
Ghost-Busters or The Three Musketeers?

I don't blame her, she could not chose to not hear people, the way Jezebel chooses not to post my comments.

Law enforcement people need to grow up and use logic, crimes were solved before 1999. there is no need to be so lazy and obtuse. our prisons are overflowing and will keep overflowing. they will just have to actually work for their convictions. and that is a good thing. Because once in front of a jury, they are rarely

not like any one on Jez want to hear any one disagree. this site is all about echo each other and circle jerking each other.

that all depends on if I can afford to, and at some point that is my fault, if i cant afford the best doors, windows, and what not.

all very true. and yea, some things are very secure. but a lot of packets are not at all secure. which are and which are not, is a whole other story.

Any one know what would happen if I microwaved Ever-Clear?

charities are just tax write offs and jobs for trust fund bums .

I want a laptop/cell the size of a VHS TAPE and that is like a sidekick.

kill joy, I want one! :)

Now that is what hate looks like people!

someone cant cook?

what? fucktards are not deserving of love too? that is fucked up!


it is not a texas thing, it is the system of treating health care as a luxury and as something to make millions off of.

not on the poor side of town. should someone with Ebola enter a teaching ER, a few 100 people will die.

no. the break out got worse because the people think the doctors are the ones causing the sickness.

it is going to happen.

WEll, yea. I am willing to see that there are degrees. But I am also willing to say out loud, the lock on my door is worthless, and can every easily kicked it. Should someone storm in and kill me, it is my fault, i could have gotten a better door and lock. I was just too cheap and lazy.
