
HAY, J-Lawrence, this is closer to being a sex crime. Idiot.

the fact that there are Republican women, really discredits anything women have to say. meh.

ok. yea I am so wrong. You are right. HAve the win.

Look, I have nothing to gain, in this. in the end, You can say you are right.

you keep telling you self that. meanwhile, people are being jailed. for butt dialing. and this and that. they are not. its all lies. everything is at the finger tips of the law.

no, the fact that it downloaded automatically is. just like sync, if nudes get synced to the cloud, that is your fault. YOU FAILED TO DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE.

i for one, because of logic a lot like yours, is why i dont use apps at all. there is no accountability, and i can choose what the app can or cant access. thus i dont use them. i hate them all.

it is. i keep trying to get my wife to stop using atms, and credit cards and to switch to cash and tellers. but she is an asshole that will not listen to how unsafe it all is now.

it should.

... that is your fault.

wWendy Williams is not a lone, JL needs to go away .

lol. you assume a lot. just because models exist that can do the things that should do this or that, only a fool, would think everyone is taking the time to secure their network in that manner. or correctly. specs are one thing, but they have to be put in place. and they are put in place by people. and people are not

roflmao. ok. well, if you say so. all i know is i am glad, i only use the net to read blogs and comment. i have nothing else online. because i long ago found out how unsecured things are. dont take my heed. its your loss.

the PASSWRD is encrypted. That packets, not so much. and only when it is sent off. at the point of creation. but not out there as it moves from box to box to box, before getting to where you sent it. EVerything I am saying used to be easy to find out online, but google is worthless now. and nothing can be found.

ok. I am lying. you believe that.

Good birdy!

read much? The FBI had Microsoft put back doors. and I have seen 128bit encryption broken, after 3 days. more over, tons of data sits on servers, not encrypted at all. . like email, you are asked a password, but after that all the message are sent from box to box unprotected.

No, JL needs to stop, she already lost me as a fan. i am now actively avoiding all things JL.

our car was broken into the other day and the police refused to come out.
