
but, its OK of someone to tape a therapy session?

you understanding of the fact that we have no privacy is amazing.

I am going to write her and tell her that I am NOW her biggest fan-boy.


I have to ask. How do you feel about the opening of Criminal Minds? They use images of killers, I am sure they did not get permission.

information is only partly secure. even the most secure things have back doors. IT people the world over, are looking at everything on every server. The NSA can look at anything they want to too. Assume the worse and act with that in mind.

not really. BC gets money because people care about their moms, sisters, and wives. Heat disease kills everyone and is seen as something you can avoid. So its sort of like victim blaming. and same thing with diabetes, AIDS/HIV, and lung cancer.

as do most things... hell if not all things. damn.

I would so go down on Mindy.

I hope there is not a booty revolution afoot. I find anal boring. and kind of gross. YUK. puke.

word. #notALLbuttsAREthatTight

It happened once to me. I was having sex with this women, I met her online, (POF?) We were spooning while sitting in my truck and out of no where is tells me I am in her ass. And I was like, REALLY? Sorry. I pulled out, put in in the right place and we finished.

I had that happen once.

... I not only ended up in the back door, unknowingly, but lost the condom too. She was cool about it, but let me know about it. And I said I was sorry. and we finished. So it could happen.

Why is it this site is always discrediting other people takes on their realities??? I would tend to agree in a odd manner with this. I am 40, and I can say I have ever gotten consent. And I am sure no one would say I raped them. Because I still know all my X's and they all know where I live and we are all distant

Have sex with a Catholic Hispanic Woman and you will know what all the means.

And, I assume she is, badly, saying that in the end we are moving toward looking at coxing as a being nearing a crime.

hay all men read the comment here.... its clear women want to be ignored, why not give them what they want. ignore them already. damn.

that all good and what not, but that also means do not ask me for a smoke with a smile, only to act like i am a stranger after you get a free smoke. and how the hell did you even know I had a damn smoke????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

smile. I assume you are a racist if you dont smile.