
Acknowledgement is the first step towards growth. Consider repentance when you feel ready and properly contrite.

Not a bad assessment, . . . for a White Supremacist. . . . Don't argue, I'm convinced. Your username tells me all I need to know regarding your hatred of our Asian brothers and sisters. And you wouldn't want to be one of those losers who can't get on with his life. You're a White Supremacist, accept it and move on.

He said you were an 'asshole without power' immune by manners from the same level of criticism deserved by 'assholes with power' like Sprat, despite knowing nothing about either of you except your respective genders and your remarks in this thread.

You need to pay a LOT more attention to Decal's statements. My responses were not about criticizing him for being chivalrous towards YOU, they were to outline the sexism in his own standards.
If you paid attention, Decal said you were being as big an 'asshole' as the worst of the rest here, and he admitted you started

If anything I said were actually sexist, you would quote it to me. Instead you refer generally to the entire thread as containing the proof somewhere.

Why would I refute the statements 'I' made?
I'm calling you a liar, because you continue to call me sexist and offer in support NOTHING save your repeated assertion that I am.
I get it though, you're not here to have a rational discussion. You're here to hurl invective and claim victory through invocation of

You're lying, and no amount of repeating your libel will make it true.
Have fun lying, you lying liar.

First off, I have said nothing sexist. That is a lie.
Second, to the extent I was sarcastic about sexism being an issue, it was expressly limited to the fortunes of this particular film in light of Feig's prior ego and defensiveness on the subject.

Curious as to why you used the term mindless feminism in response to me.

I didn't say I got called anything in different contexts. I said I've seen it happen everywhere, every day. Doesn't mean it happened to me.
Do you deny seeing such exchanges yourself?

Oh great, now the 'enlightened' one begins with the notagayslur gay slurs.
Is there a handbook for this shit?

An assessment utterly without merit and strongly reflective of your integrity.

I love this. It happens everywhere, every day. Call someone sexist, racist, bigoted, whatever. Then declare victory. Then here is the key, when called on the name-calling pull the 'it's there, it's not my fault you don't see it' card, like that's evidence or justification for libelous labels.

It's pretty clear you're going to throw 'sexism' and 'misogyny' over the shoulders of your ill-formed arguments like some kid tossing bed linens over his or herself while playing hide and seek, and pretend your arguments are invisible due to the magic contained therein.

Aw hell naw. /Leslie

I edited my responses to Decal42 to 'that's nice honey' not out of misogyny, but in deference to her wishes to be acceded to on issues of gender because society isn't fair.
She expressly stated that she doesn't feel it fair to converse on equal footing on any issue, no matter how local or specific, with the whole wide

What in the world led you to the conclusion that I have a goal of 'destroying' any woman, let alone all of them.
I treat people equally, because that's fairness.
You have an infantalizing conception of fairness where some tantrums are forgiven because the world isn't fair, and some fair criticism is bigoted because it

I apologize, in the meantime since this started, you have clarified your position on equality. Henceforce, my reply to all your tantrums is and should be considered 'that's nice honey.'

So fairness is not the objective, 'girls win because boys are supposed to be chivalrous.' Excellent standard.

Well that's a shitty shitty argument.