
Probably best not to introduce this article so soon after Better Call Saul.

"second, reader comments on Donna Bowman’s Saul reviews will be part of the Polite Fight conversation next week "

I was intrigued in a different way.
First off, I don't have a strong enough handle on Gilligan etal's legal acumen IRL to know if they would go as detailed as to craft a discovery detail that appeared groundbreaking while actually being mundane then present it this way to the audience in confidence that we would figure

Were people actually surprised by Rick and Michonne at THE END of the episode?
I was completely unspoiled as to the episode [or the comics, or speculation], but also completely convinced when Michonne ambled around with her hair in a towel in the opening sequence, and by the time Rick returned with his Duke boys

Admiring Polanski's work is not taboo, even today. Admiring work BY POLANSKI is, if you get my drift.

Then Kramer's nose starts bleeding? Devastating. . . .

Yes, pedant.

Part and parcel of my critique is hoping to see the idea of 'diverse casting' as something more than interest grouped outward characteristics. ie, asking how does the individual auditioner inform the original story?
Cinema is about imagination, and re-imagination can be invigorating, and is certainly a step up from

I'm seeing The God's Must Be Crazy, meets Summer Heights High, meets Hot Fuzz, and I am STOKED!!!

Most Wittels thing I saw today, a reddit post congratulating Harris on 1 year of sobriety.

If the 70s was the epoch, I think I view the opening of Con Air as the nadir. Overall, the movie is good popcorn fun, but I can recall fuming, literally fuming in the theater, as Cage's characters backstory was unspooled like an effing yo-yo in the first five minutes of the film.
Boom, love
Boom, honky tonk
Slash cut,

I wish decisions like Mr. Nichols to cast Dustin in this informed more of the present diversity debate.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is well and good, but this non-diverse diverse choice to cast against WASP redefined the entire work.
Include in the mix the adaptation of Romeo and Juliet so expertly in West Side

This, The Godfather, and Bonnie and Clyde, all seen in short order in my college dorm [rural college with not a lot to do, but we had a video store], cemented my love of early 70s cinema that colors my tastes to this day. Nothing rivaled it until Tarantino came along.

Wieners and rice, . . . oh boy.

Better yet, have Forrest get to the bottom of what the deal is with 7-11's shitty temporary sign.

West coast coder nerds aren't going to regulate their own intestinal distress.

Perhaps the club has Scientologoblocker


And the anejo tequila was what impressed the cartel about Gus.