
"The deal with Nacho has become routine, and Daniel (his real name) has gotten both greedy and lazy. "

"my pick for my favorite moment in the episode is Horace explaining why he charges a young hipster more than an old regular."

OTOH, Woolworth's still exists?

OK then, sustained. . .

Again, in your opinion?

Maybe I haven't paid enough attention in other episodes, but the banter in the therapy sessions were a now high in humor for me.

Damn!! There's turtlenecks, then there's 'tucked in under your earlobes.'

Let it out an inch around my bunghole.

This is like the 3rd time in a row you've attributed Che's punchlines to a simmering resentment for being forced to share the same air as Trump for an hour or so.

We still consume and often admire creative work from the likes of Charlie Sheen, David Bowie, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Tom Cruise, Axl Rose, Elton John, John Travolta, Ted Nugent, Naomi Campbell, Ariana Grande, Michael Jordan, John Mayer, etc. etc.
Not that the assholery of each person is fungible, just that

He might not ad lib the fart itself, but he would act the shit out of smelling it.

It's a toss up for me between Sabine and Mr. Bean.

Eh, it's not nothing, but it's basically introducing reruns. This is a much bigger deal. Might be worth noting to document his familiarity with the format is all.

Go to bed Senator Sanders.

1. They sided with their friend and creative partner.
2. Clarkson, Hammond and May made the BBC exponentially more than the BBC ever 'funded' them.
3. They don't owe the BBC, or the taxpayers, a thing beyond honoring their contracts. That's why contracts exist.
4. At the time of contract negotiation, they are

Employment autonomy is for dickholes?

I heard Cheryl and Mary say
There are two kinds of people in the world today
One or the other a person must be
The men are them, . . the women are WEEEE!!
And they agree,
it's a pleasure to be,
a lesbiannnn . . .

He seemed pretty enthusiastically received when we went on the old show a couple years back.

Because the co-creators and producers left with the 'big 3'

I sincerely wish Matt luck in this. But I think the elephant in the room is that the BBC's Top Gear is going to suffer from the loss of their production team even more than their trio of presenters. As fun as the banter and camaraderie was, talented presenters can forge their own way going forward [think Cheers