
What things?

My point is, this looks to be a tentpole plot point.

Sansa isn't a serf either.

I see no difference between 'intuiting' rape and what we saw.
It was dramatic, but it wasn't graphic. If your concern is the character, she was raped either way.
Matter of fact, that the depiction was a torn dress and pained moans are considerably more restrained than the imagination. They even left the ambiguity that

Absent the power of the Church as in Kings :Landing, those severe and public punishments never befall royalty.

I've yet to see a compelling way of progressing the plot through the marriage of Sansa and Ramsay to the other side without addressing the wedding night. And there is no way, even if Sansa were amenable, that Ramsay would let the moment pass without a power play.
The pieces were set in motion long before this episode.

It's really too bad they couldn't make a show with Eliza Coupe, Taran Killam and Michael Mosley work.
Kind of like when SNL couldn't make a show with Robert Downey Jr., Larry David, Joan Cusak and Julia Louise-Dreyfuss work.

The bowling shirt I could take, even with the cargo shorts. [Winning!!]
But the calf high socks? That's a rare breed of clueless, rarer than the 'Dad wearing black socks with sandals' strain of clueless.

Margaery’s perjury, not surgery.

Particularly, if the scene opening season 4 is to be believed, they were cast rather than forged.

Not sure what your beef is.
It's conversations with his friends
It's largely from the standup/comedy realm
Even the comedy world self-segregates [more due to audience expectations] to an extent
Even then, the percentage of minorities is in line with percentage of the population [I don't have the number breakdown

Another week, another 'shiver' bit.

Savingh chirrun from inpempding climate, . . arbengeddom!

Reminds me of when Gilbert Gottfried was on with Norm.

Who knew modern cars had a 'valve' you could 'tighten' to cure any and all fluid leaks?

Tell me about your old boyfriend's dick, and how big it was.

"There's a couple making love on a beach.
"Hurt me, hurt me," says the woman, so he slams her tit in a deckchair."

Two math nerds arguing about the intelligence of their fellow man, whilst eating lunch at a diner.
One is extra competitive, so he pulls the waitress aside out of earshot and asks her 'when I ask you a question next time you come to the table, could you please just say 'x cubed over three?' It would be ever so

I almost went with the Carlin one-liner that, after decades of hearing it and replaying in my mind, still makes me chuckle even now.

Maybe untrained is a better word than amateur.