
What in particular, told as a bit on stage in this episode by Louie, was 'hilarious?'

Oh, and your c**t is in the sink!!

BWWWOOOOHHWWW Shiggita Shiggita, Itsa foam itsa foam, COR-NER!!

Difference being, you're moving from staples of life, food and labor, to entertainment.
We have a shit ton of liberty with our viewing eyes, listening ears, and entertainment dollars.
You can't force an entire population to be entertained by what you think they should be entertained by. Otherwise Honey Boo-Boo would

Yeah, the point wasn't plausibility. Just wanted to point out, in my long winded way, that even short falls can hit really hard if you fall flat of your back and then whip your head into the floor.

That one can REALLY pay off with the right person delivering it.

The two I've known since childhood and haven't diminished in the least

What did they name it 'Chairman of the Bored?'

Choctaw: What is your name on our home planet?
PFT: Oh, it is unpronounceable here.
Choctaw: Is it the N-word?
PFT: [loses his shit for the next 5 minutes]

1. that is categorically not a denial [nor admission for that matter] that CK is the guy in question. It's a plea to not muse or speculate.

If we're drifting into reality, falling onto your back like that onto a hard surface would often result in a slingshot/whipsaw effect where your shoulders strike the ground first [to little if any injury], then your neck turns into a lever around which the back of your head actually GAINS angular momentum, and strikes


Is it wrong if my initial thought was that the 80's lady in red on the left of the picture at top was James Adomian?

So, how many places have you not been asked back to at this point?

Yoooouuuu might be a redneck if, . . . you don't realize that Louis just proved definitively that 'flyover America' is a wasteland of fart jokes and Old Country Buffets.

Oh I understand it completely, and I am criticizing it with my words.

Go to bed Maron.

If they were indeed laughing heartily, they were 'aren't we giddy to be at a Louis CK show' laughs.

The bits of Louie's act that was shown wasn't exactly 'art.'
So the audience chuckled amiably at a couple of hack jokes. That's not to say they wouldn't have enjoyed more refined or polished comedy even more.

Any time is a good time for an ol' Ashokan Farewell