
Can't upvote this enough. Best audio gag in the business.

Credit to Fonize for pulling off the broad gastrointestinal humor. You knew it was coming, but he still elicited laughs from the 'payoff' in his expression and body language.

Don't want to overstate this show's body dysmorphia obsession, but it seems to extend beyond Amy alone. Listening to NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and head writer Jessi Klein was on the panel. Her very first contribution was expressing dismay that Pippa Middleton would be facing this vast criticism for her post

I was just listing them as sending non-voting representatives to the House. The question was the number of Congresspersons, not the number of states.

Don Delillo of course.

I assume by 'proper due' you mean an awesome platter of pancakes.

Plus, Samoa, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam.

Just trying to keep himself out there. Things are tough and they're hitting him pretty hard!!

To be honest, she's trying real hard to be the new Phyllis Diller this year for some reason.

The only gripe is that Amy's character isn't asking if she can use birth control, but if someone will buy it for her. Undercuts the humor a bit.
That and the 'kid' get to buy a gun, not have one handed him for free.
Not up in arms about it, just reality undercutting the humor.

Get in the BOX!!

This week's with Tom Green was a riot in places. I have no idea what possessed Scott to go from suckling to r/savaging his co-host's breasts, but I was hyperventilating by the end of the bit.

"It really requires either a stellar guest or"

The most recent IWTT was a highlight, because it has Stephen Tobolowsky. Pretty much the perfect guest for the format.

I'm just glad she and Det. Boyle found love.

I'd be interested to hear what Conan's warmup guy Jimmy Pardo has to say [probably nothing, him knowing the logistics underlying bread and butter], as a lot of his work both there, in his podcast life, and in network development has centered around the crowd work, improvisational, game show feel, dealing with

Would you mind asking The Stig to forward your take on this matter to our Capital in a tank?
You know, to show how lightly Europeans take shit.

I recall verbal reference to prior procedures, but not prior ceremonies.

I just figured it was payback for the Kumail/Kunal mixup of last week.

That was a question of mine as well.