
He did not anticipate Cam stepping aside. So he volunteered to sing a difficult, well-known song, expecting that Cam would pre-empt him from having to perform.

banjoic, not bajonic

Lapkis/Ho Ho made a 'died of overdose' joke last week too.

There's more than the headline?


Is Stephen Tobolowski a 'that guy' or has he become a household name at this point.

Was anyone else squicked out when Lapkus/HoHo made a crack about someone ODing on drugs on Comedy Bang Bang?

Does anyone know if it's livestream ONLY. Or will it be available for d/l later.

Big Americans fan, and I knew Rhys was Welsh, but the connection didn't fully dawn on me completely until MI-5 showed up. As Lana was asking them about it, I thought 'that character looks a lot like Phillip.

Not so much a gay/straight thing, but I recall a comedian in the 90s who had a bit about how you can't be tough with a straw in your drink. He had a cocktail onstage with one of those red thin stirrer straws and he role plays a bar fight where he seriously intones; Listen buddy. I'm gonna kick . . . your . . . ASS.

As soon as he refused the gun, I went back to the stories of Winnie Mandela and the Comrade's Necklace

It's 1983. Calendar on Vasili's wall said so.