Cat Davenport

I thought the AvP games did a great job with the Marines campaigns. They probably don’t hold up very well today but they were good at the time.

She commited several atrocities in collaboration with a higher-level villain to achieve an esoteric purpose of “true afterlife” - at least we think so because a lot of that info is obfuscated. One of the atrocities is binding Anduin to be his slave as the new Lich King, something she’s very touchy about in general. Sai

If anyone does not stan Final Fantasy Tactics, I honestly find it almost impossible to have a conversation with them

I mean come on, it’s basically a classic fan’s tricked-out fever dream, right? FFT Stan Crew, where you at?

Hardly. FF9 was *fine*.

It checked all the boxes to be a Final Fantasy game. It took few risks. It was fine.

I love it. Hopefully, it grows into its own beast.

You have zero tolerance for buzzwords and know how to cut through the hype. [...] You are the sort of person who always knows about the latest hot influencer or viral game”

So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the soundtrack.”

A correction: you’re talking about transwomen, not transmen. As in, gendered as and usually biologically male who identify and adopt a female gender, and who might undergo hormone therapy.

A trans man is a person who was assigned female at birth and identifies as a male.

Conservatives want trans athletes to compete as the gender they were assigned at birth.

This trans-male athlete wanted to compete on the boys team, but instead the law required him to compete against girls - because of Texas’s

but I do have my concerns about transmen competing with women in sports”

Yeah, I’m always watching out for articles by the old writers too. I don’t mind liberal topics, it is just the sense of aggression that comes with a lot of the posting. For example, I’m transgender and I really appreciate it when people show open-mindedness about gender identity. However, I don’t appreciate it (at

I thought it was because she sucked at Dynasty Warriors 

Fair enough. I’ve got no experience with the multiplayer, but I can see how it could be more fun if you have time to react to getting shot. Still, for the singleplayer I think its bad design to have enemies that are so bullet resistant. 

I will start by saying that Uncharted is one of my favorite series of all time. However, for me personally, I feel like the gunplay and cover mechanics is one of its worst aspects. However, that’s not a job by any stretch is really only because I am comparing all the other parts of uncharted games that are near

I say this as a person who regularly watches stuff on Twitch: It’s bizarre how gatekeepery Twitch viewers are about things like Just Chatting, makeup streams, and hot tub streams. This is a website where some of the biggest claims to fame are broadcasting reruns of a thirty year old public access painting show and a

Fuck it, I’ll lead that charge. And you know what, it isn’t even close. Sure, Donna has some funky stuff growing on her face, but who here is perfect?

though the extent to which he became that (c0mic relief) is quite mild by literary standards.

Hopefully, but artists are always getting ripped off, so... also, it wasn’t really over 5000$. This was a whole operation with up to 100 victims, so that’s a lot of money.

Well, from what I can tell it’s mostly the same backlash that happens whenever anything becomes super popular. But also, Hamilton’s whole relationship with the country’s origin and with race is... complicated. It’s a very safe story. That said, I saw it in 2016 and I totally recommend it, it’s a great show.

I’ll be honest and admit that I’ve forgotten a lot of the details as Nemesis Games was 6(?!!) years ago. Geez, that’s a lot of reading and real life in between. I have to go back and revisit although since they forked, I’ve not been that adamant in staying in canon much. And since Kamal is dead, they for sure are