Heerrrooo Yui

Don’t worry, you’ll run into performance issues on PS4 too. Rime uh... just doesn’t run very well for whatever reason.

That describes like 90% of the PS+ games over the last few years.

They should put that on the back of the box.

Knack is underappreciated. Great game? No. Good game? No. Decent game? No. Adequate game if you have absolutely nothing else to play that’s remotely worthwhile? YES!

Knack??? KNACK!? MOTHER FUCKING KNACK!? Why can’t they give us The Order or Killzone!? >:(

As someone who spends more time in the character creator than the game, I totally empathise here. I absolutely HATE when that creation doesn’t turn out the same in the in-game engine. Especially when I have to play through some 20 minute intro before I can even see them (side eyes Destiny).

It is performing extremely well actually . Its being simulcast all around the world. It hs been a resounding success.

It is going on HIATUS. It will be back . They have been working non-stop for a while now. This will give them time to focus on production as well as letting the manga catch up.

Super will return

Everyone keeps mentioning that he was jamming his fingers down her throat and then elsewhere, then the throat, then elsewhere... etc etc.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

My favorite is DoD officials having press conferences to let people know that:

Oh yes, I have been living in a state of constant anxiety for nearly a year and a half now.

...and no to play the new Zelda game isn’t good enough

As a Sony and Nintendo fan boy I will admit they are crushing it with hardware. The controller lab, uhd compatibility, and now Kodi. Sony has been good about trying to focus on games but I feel like for both Sony and Microsoft it doesn’t have to be one or the other.

So you’re telling me Super Mario Odyssey, exclusively available for Nintendo Switch, sold more copies than the ACTUAL Nintendo Switch?!

So you’re telling me Super Mario Odyssey, exclusively available for Nintendo Switch, sold more copies than the

If there’s a silver lining, a regulatory action like this can be reversed, either through Congressional action or through a change of leadership at the FCC.

Pai deserves a lot more than a simple crowbar to the shin. Upgrade to the Xfinity Comments Plus package to read more.

Marvel vs Street Fighter had an evil Sakura doing Akuma’s muder death kill move, and a Dan Hibiki doing suicide version, the Otoko Michi.

One man’s “put me off the series” is another’s “completely converted me into a diehard fan.”

You need to keep your mouth shut then, OK - we get it, it’s not for you but some of us have played more than 2 games...(!)...and enjoy them. Go play policenauts at least!