
To be fair, he probably believes in wizards.

The amazing thing that I love is that it succeeds so well as a serious game (with one of the best made horror levels of all time) but is also at times one of the funniest games ever made.

That guy/girl playing a Toreador is generally eye-roll inducing but not much worse than that. That guy/girl playing a Malkavian is insufferable and game breaking: the same attention-seeking compulsiveness with the maturity and volume of a hyperactive twelve-year old.

Definitely Broom Girl, unassisted, at 0:11.

Can this site please just stick to celebrity, sex, and fashion for women (without airbrushing) and liberal politics? I’m getting so sick of all these articles reviewing science fiction/comic book movies. If I wanted to hear opinions about that I’d head over and join the Seriously Juvenile Weirdos at io9.

Google is by every measure an enormously powerful company, but they’re fighting telecoms who’ve been playing the monopoly game longer and more successfully than anyone in history. It’s like a professional boxer walking into a bar and getting his ass kicked in a brawl because the other guy is also pretty huge and opens

Tell her but then it’s cool as long as you do it ironically. :P

Seriously, this is so counterproductive. Not to mention, the CRISPR-CAS9 gene editing technique was invented by two women.

But Monica has no real relationship to the others so she’s not really part of the legacy. Otherwise might as well include Sharon Ventura who was Ms. Marvel for a number of years.

Well, it predates the birth of Christ by 1000 years so that’s unlikely. Maybe the Spear of Lugh, though, given the area.

No way, man. I got vaccinated for Hepatitis and while it didn’t give me autism, I was later killed at the Bowling Green Massacre. Coincidence? I think not. Never again.

I still have mine, too, with the original sub-titling in Jabba’s palace that misspells “wookiee” and “wookie”.

Really you guys? I have one HDMI cable plus power cord running to my projector. Literally, that’s it. You have a receiver set up? Literally everything else can run through your base. Xbox, Roku, DVD included.

Really you guys? I have one HDMI cable plus power cord running to my projector. Literally, that’s it. You have a

Okay, let’s not be full of shit here: in what possible scenario would you have that many cables coming from your TV to your receiver?

Okay, let’s not be full of shit here: in what possible scenario would you have that many cables coming from your TV

To be fair, I can’t imagine that pudgy twerp physically abusing anyone older than seven years old. That said, I can absolutely picture him putting on a tough guy face and doing it to someone younger than that.

What exactly about Marvel’s Thor is based off his cultural roots? Do you think a 10th century Viking would recognize a single thing about the character, let alone feel a cultural kinship? LOL.

Like Vonnegut said in Mother Night (about Nazi propagandists, particularly), “We are what we pretend to be.”

Most of the Rogues were actually designed with skill and power sets that were meant to offset Flash’s speed, whether through hindrance or misdirection. I mean, they’re all obviously outclassed by Flash physically. But like you said, Captain Cold and Heatwave, as well as the Weather Wizard, can freeze or melt the

How can these two look in a mirror and think they’re representatives of the Master Race?

Because extra innings are exciting. Also, they tend to go more quickly anyway since the managers are running out of pitching options and less likely to make changes. (I don’t actually have statistical proof regarding the latter point, but I think it’s a decent assumption.)