
Fuck people who don’t understand evolution but try to make dumb statements using it. We didn’t evolve from monkeys, we share a common ancestor.

So a Pastafarian could use a colander? How embarrassing for the vampire.

And don’t forget Tom and Sharon being forced into a multi-day S and M sex binge by Empath. (Also, wtf is up with x-books from the 80s and people changing race?)

Not sure how old you are, but Shazam/Captain Marvel had a live action series in the 70s that ran for three seasons (the same number as Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman) and a cartoon in the 80s. He’s definitely got some name recognition.

I’m genuinely curious: how do you figure the lineswoman Serena threatened was being misogynist and racist?

Wait, do people from Atlanta unabashedly and without irony cheer for Delta and Coca-Cola like they would a hometown sports team? That’s the impression I’m getting here and I don’t know whether to laugh or be sad.

Thanks for the thoughtful response. Given what you’ve said, I’ll definitely think about giving the third game a shot.

I like fantasy, a lot, but I couldn’t get into Witcher 1 because, IMHO, the protagonist is such a fucking cheeseball. He reminds me of some early 90s-era Image comics version of what a fourteen year-old boy thinks a badass ladies man would be. It’s just so cringe-inducing to me.

Time dilation. She’s been traveling at relativistic speeds from our frame of reference.

How many 5 1/4 floppies does it take up, though?

I remember first watching it when I was maybe 13 years old, alone at around 2am in the dark, and slowly turning off the VCR after the crucifix scene. That shit broke me.

He looks like he’s about to give a young Matt Murdock some hard lessons.

I really think the rat should get top billing in this post. Its speed is the show stopper here.

It’s been said (and I’d echo the sentiment) that B:TAS presents the best version of not just Batman but of every Batman-related character with the possible exception of Catwoman. (I like the B:TAS Catwoman but she is played kind of “by the numbers”.)

Seriously. I wake up, shower, get dressed, and go to work. I don’t have time to linger around the house watching TV, and if I did I’d use that time to get more sleep. Does anyone with a regular full-time job watch these morning shows, or is it just stay-at-home parents and bloggers?

Bird Nose!

There are worse things she could do.

Luckily, the Japanese pangolin is still relatively common in several regions, including Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn.

Here you go. And yes, this country is garbage.

I love the tablet/laptop system they’re envisioning here. I’m actually developing simple communications software for desktop roleplaying that I think would be great for something like this.