
You think Donald Trump getting most White voters of both sexes and across age groups and wealth levels is evidence of a rejection of identity politics? Interesting…

But Whites are still in the majority. At worst you'll become a plurality in the country as a whole- this idea that you're going to be in the minority any time soon is farcical. Demographics aren't changing that much.
I've heard a lot of White people make the "we can't express White Pride" argument, but that's BS. I've

My man, everybody is sick of something. But I'm curious; why are you so convinced that the election results can't be a combination of Dem missteps and racial/social factors?
I'm not laying Trump's victory solely at the feet of race- thats a discredit to the motivations of the people that voted for him- but I do think

No, son, it's not a "serious problem". Those people expressed their displeasure- as is their right- and then they went the fuck home. The election results stood. American democracy stills functions as it is supposed to. Nothing of consequence happened. You're being histrionic.

Speaking as one of the people who saw this coming, I can comfortably say nobody was ignoring or dismissing me. But that's probably because I don't go around being smug and belittling people.


No, it's not reasonable. But it's definitely overblown. I get that you want to beat your drum, but this a "nothing" issue that, frankly, has not been shown to be a serious impediment to campus speech.

You're in such a rush to pat yourself on the back that you completely missed the point. Sanders, Cuomo, whoever you want to throw out; all of them had the same deficiencies in comparison to Donald Trump. The facts on the ground are that no Dem candidate has Trump's name recognition; they didn't have his populist

Really? I ask for an explanation and the best evidence you can provide is an article stating how Bernie Sanders could have won because he might have gotten more votes in Michigan & Pennsylvania which might have tipped the general election in his favor, but they can't say that he would have done better than Hillary?

Enough with the histrionics for a second. No one has removed the autonomy of college students. No one has taken away their right to associate with who they want, based on their political views.
Plus, universities have always exercised a degree of control over what was spoken about on their grounds. This idea that

No, seriously. What, in your mind, is the great menace happening on college campuses? (Besides rape).

What's happening on college campuses? You mean the free exchange of ideas?

You're making a lot of assumptions, my boy. Sanders, Obama or Cuomo would have won against Trump…based on what exactly? Explain your reasoning.

Speaking of, has Trump actually explained how he's going to incentivize corporations to relocate manufacturing jobs to the US? All I've heard about is some stuff about lowering corporate tax rates, but there would have to be more to it than that.

Wiped the floor? You're lying to yourself if you think another candidate would have been enough to counteract the the populist wave Trump was able to ride.

What would a dying GOP even look like, especially now when they're in the ascendancy? You could argue that Trump coming to power is as much a sign of the rejection of McCain/Romney style Republican leadership as it was of progressivism. So does this mean the party changes to fit Trump, or does Trump have to change to

Hey, remember a few years ago when President Obama got a second term and there was a wave of think pieces the next week declaring the Republican Party dead and how it was only a matter of time before changing demographics and social norms made them obsolete? Yeah….

It's certainly not all down to racism, but race definitely played a part in the election's outcome.

A neocon ran as the Democratic nominee for president. What does "liberalism" even mean anymore?

So, essentially, the argument is that because traditionally marginalized groups started asserting themselves and forced our agendas to be included in the national discussion, White folk could not deal with it and swung for a candidate that focuses on them. How is that not a whitelash?