
Jared is a better man than me, because I would have definitely tried to have sex with Molly at least one more time before I told her to get out of my life.

I want to see Moonlight, but it's not playing anywhere near me. Stupid limited release arthouse films…

It was cool when the first guy did it. Hopping on the bandwagon is never not lame.

To be fair, it's not like we were spoiled for subjects. I just started talking to him again, like, two weeks ago after years of being out of contact.
We have to talk politics because I'm nowhere near comfortable enough to talk about my personal life with dude.

Take every one of Trump's talking points re: immigrants, economic nationalism and how he's "not a politician" and there you go.

My dad voted for Trump. It's added another layer of sh!!t onto our already…troubled relationship.
I didn't think that could happen.

I'm neither. I just really like tofu and I went to the farmer's market this morning.

I'm thinking of doing some braised tofu tacos with some grilled pineapple salsa and some Swiss chard on the side.

A lot of people running unopposed.

Mine wasn't.

So what your saying is….Black women shouldn't want equal treatment commiserate with White men? That's a bit reductive.

Is there really a need to go searching for who's to blame? All that signifies is that the one-third of the Hispanic population that voted for Trump has different priorities than the other two-thirds.

Wasn't up for it. Fortunately, GA Amendment 1 got the Mutombo block, so that's one W at least.

You know what the strangest thing about this has been for me, so far? Being around White people and listening to them talk about "the Other" White people. I imagine this is what it's like when they talk about Black people when none of us are around. I was not prepared for this level of vitriol.

Whelp. That's that.

Brexit happened; Silvio Burlusconi happened; Trump happened. Anyone saying that voters in the developed world are too "sophisticated" to buy in to populism and nativist rhetoric need to shut up.

My mom was in town to visit me recently. She told me she voted for Tim Scott. I'm not sure what to do with that.

I don't have kids, but I live fairly close to one of the elementary schools on the "chronically failing" list. This is the hood; it's difficult enough for working class people to regularly engage with somebody from the local school board- adding the Gordian Knot of state bureaucracy on top of that isn't going to help

It's an amendment to the Georgia Constitution that would allow the state to form what they term an "Opportunity School District" (OSD) that would
govern certain elementary and secondary schools determined to be
"chronically failing". Under the amendment and OSD would have the option of direct management a school,

Because of your passion for food and shelter?