
Oh, how this warms my cockles!

I always figured that Petyr was stashing Sansa in the North- where she would presumably be safe and help build his influence with Ramsey and the Northern lords- while he focused on his machinations in The Vale and other places; we see he's got Robin Arryn wrapped around his little finger (heh-heh). That must have

No, I'm serious. I really didn't like him, as a person. His being utterly guileless was his biggest character flaw but he was also stubborn, self-righteous, and short-sighted. I laughed with genuine mirth when Littlefinger set him up.

I have a hard time believing Sansa is still dumb this far into the series.
I figure her actions are a result of Sansa hanging out with Littlefinger and having a bit of his bastardry rub off on her. That Wildling army isn't loyal to her- it's loyal to Jon; and the Free Folk don't give naan f*cks about fealty or the

And if he wasn't wearing a helmet in battle he would quickly be dead again.
Sure, if he took a hard shot to the head. But that's not a guarantee, is it?

You'd still have a story; the show doesn't actually have to explain what Brandi was lying about. Plus her flipping out and jumping the suitor is more than likely going to be the only thing the viewing public remembers about that scene anyway.
What has there been to suggest that Darius would care all that much that

Jon Snow came back from the dead, yet his managing to survive a battle without a helmet is what breaks willing suspension of disbelief for you?

…Sansa just no so coincidentally let her brother spend nearly his entire army while an army she thinks of as loyal to her is the only unblooded force in the North.
And that's how Sansa Stark made herself Queen of the North.

Jon Snow out here reminding me of all the reasons I didn't like Ned Stark.
RIP Wun Wun; you was a real one.

Come to think of it, Noah's satire did seem more deft when I saw him making fun of Jacob Zuma and the ANC on the Daily Show.

"That would be one hell of an edit…"

You don't understand; I'm reaaaalllyyy trying to behave at work. But if they come, my love of f*cking with the whyfolk is going to kick in, and well…Look I just don't need anything bringing down my performance evaluations is all.

I have a feeling that this comment section if going to get Columbus'd in a little while.

I really don't get the criticisms of the Brandi storyline. Too dark? I found it is par for the course. Of course Quinn and Rachel would manipulate a fragile woman's psyche for ratings; it's the main thing we've seen them do on this show.

All anybody needed was a gun. That's my biggest criticism of an otherwise great show; most of the supernatural creatures are just as susceptible to bullets and sharp things as regular human beings. If that's that End of Days, then I've got to say, I think humanity is gonna pull through.

Ned claimed him, so Ned's his daddy.

You had me at Jeffery Wright.

I'm just going to imagine that the world of Penny Dreadful will continue in the adventures of Mike Mignola's Lord Baltimore.

Jon really is his father's son; his actions this episode reminded me why I disliked Ned so much.

They're really not so bad.