
I started saying that I thought Young Thug was an alien as a joke, but after reading a profile on him, I'm starting to think he's either not human or he's got a collection of horcrux that he's using to hide pieces of his soul.

IDK. I've seen a girl's standards go out the window when she's young and trying to spite daddy.

Not at all. Though, to be honest, I actually halfway like Young Thug. I like to imagine he's one of those giant space bugs from Men in Black and his warblings are his approximation of human speech.

Well, that's highly disappointing.

Crab legs are slow torture.

This video looks like if Ja Rule was just walking on his way to the liquor store and saw Bobby Brown loitering by the door trying to beg for some extra change to get some Steel Reserve and Ja is like- "Bobby Brown! Come with me; we're going to make art!!"

Well, from the way you phrased your comment, how else was I supposed to take it?

Wait, so, I'm supposed to be suspicious just because she talks to somebody at a cookout?

If I'm having to think this much about it, I'm better off cutting my losses.

Arya's leaving Braavos; Thank you, #ManyBasedGod.

Ijs, give a brotha a hint. I don't want the drive home to be hostile because I spent 7 minutes talking to another woman about whipped shea butter.

I'mma need a few of y'all to explain when "being nice to your friends" turns into "flirting". Because, seriously, some of you ladies need to define your terms.

One of my mom's cousins is named "Commodore".

Well, sh*t…. I just realized I'm the dude named after an inanimate object and the dude named after an animal.

To me, Chris Brown is almost R. Kelly levels of bad person. But I know some ugly personal stuff about him because- through
some quirk of fate- I went to school with one of his cousins and a girl
he tried to mess with before he got famous, so my perception of him is a lot different from most people's.

I don't think it matters that he's not talking about all women. It's the sense of entitlement underpinning the whole song that really gets on my nerves. It's a juvenile song written by a man-child who doesn't have the good grace to at least make the track entertaining or interesting.

Key difference; Ludacris was funny and had an actual personality. You know why "Loyal" is- to me- the worst song of the past few years?

Hoe is arbitrary term anyway. Side-note: "Loyal" by Chris Brown is the worst song of this decade and I blame it for this list.

I have to disagree. If this list is for real- and given my past contact with kids of this age- then I think that whoever wrote it was being entirely serious. "Fist bump these hoes" isn't an attempt at humor, it's an attempt to be magnanimous.

I don't think it's support, so much as amusement at the idea that- allegedly- an 8th grader wrote that list, combined with the fact that many of us know grown folks who would/have done the same thing.