
It would have been a disaster. A DISASTER!

It's cool as long as this attitude doesn't last past 12th grade.

Nobody was telling 8th grade Julian not to talk to the h*es. The h*es was the only ones who were paying me any attention.

I feel much more normal after reading this.

When you say "the siege" do you mean the one at Riverrun or the one that's going to happen at Winterfell? I'm not a book reader (fantasy is a genre I find it hard to get into when it's in a literary format) so the ways the show diverges from the novels always go over my head.

I don't know what Jon was thinking, balking at the fact that Bear Island was only sending 62 men; fool, that's 62 more than you had when you started! That little girl could have told you and your sister to go f*ck yourselves and all you could have said was "thank you for your time,". Also, why didn't you lead with

My mom had homemade "cough syrup" sitting in the cabinet next to the washing machine. It was a mix cod liver oil, rock candy a bit of Jack Daniels and some I-don't-know-what. It stopped the coughs but I'm fairly certain it had no medical benefits whatsoever.

I'll have to take your word for it.

West African women whenever "Fine Lady" by Wizkid comes on.

R.I.P. Inspector Rusk. You were one of the good guys.

Gangsta Gibbs, ho.

I'm actually surprised Freddie Gibbs is only 33 years old; it seems like he's been around damn near forever.

That's good to know, but you didn't really answer my question. I was hoping to hear your thoughts on why your reading of Roots- as a person who was around when the original version came out- would be different than mine or the author's; people who grew up decades after that period of time.

Speaking as a millenial Black male, why do you think the writer's age is a factor?

On the low, Target got some nice clothes.

R&B might be a dead genre.

I know it's 3 strikes you're out. Other than that…..

Full disclosure: I don't know thing one about baseball. My granddaddy tried to explain the game to me once, but he's 96 years old and has an impenetrable Geechie accent so I just spent the whole time nodding and saying "oh, okay."

One! One Superbowl….22 years ago! Enough time has passed for an entire generation to have been born, grow up, fuck, and start a new generation of people to be disappointed 49er's/Raiders fans.

I was born in 1989; anything that happened before that year doesn't count.