
Ooooh, struck a nerve, did I?

Just do what I do when Jay-Z releases new music.
Ignore it.

Don't blame me, bruh! I'm just trying to cast a wider net

Thick brunettes with tattoos and who favor plain black t-shirts and hipster glasses. It's kind of fascinating, actually; the majority of my responses have been from Black women but the only white women who have hit me up have fit the above description.

If nothing else, online dating has taught me that, apparently, I attract a particular type of White woman.

Haters runnin wild in these streets.

I'm convinced I'm doing Tinder wrong. For one thing, I can't really get over how weird I find it to try to have a conversation with a woman over a text message. When it's in person, I can usually tell by body language or her tone of voice whether or not she's feeling me; it's easier to pick the moment to go for the

American cheese in the macaroni…the f*ck is wrong with people? You're not living in a dorm; you can afford to go to the store and get some sharp cheddar.
Also, I'm definitely gonna try and clone that Mexican Mac-and-Cheese.

I don't want to start casting aspersions on that kids upbringing or parents. None of us know what the dynamics of that boy's friendships or what kind of inside jokes they throw around in their social group. Plus, everybody has different thresholds; I wouldn't have been cool with that joke, but I'm also ambivalent

I don't know. If I could hazard a guess, I'd go back to that comment where I said CT loves himself but hates everyone else. F*ck Black folks, f*ck White folks, f*ck politics; Clarence Thomas is out for Clarence Thomas- first last and always. He's was able to come up by attaching himself with conservatives, so he's not

All I'm saying is, if that boy don't mind then I'm not about to spend any time taking offence on his behalf. If they want to play like that, I say let'em.

That was the worst cereal ever.

Who says he doesn't? As much as I hate the term "learned helplessness" it could be an appropriate concept to apply to Thomas. He has resentments to both White and Black people but life experience has taught him that exercising his anger on White people is a useless gesture because they have the power to forestall him

Huh. I….am not sure what I think about that.

How is it 2016 and yet we've still got people who think the internet isn't real, and what they do on it doesn't have consequences?

Meh. Black kid seems cool with it, so it's whatever to me.

I'm convinced Clarence Thomas doesn't hate himself. He just hates all the rest of us; going around with our wide noses, breathing up all the White man's air. Don't you realize Clarence Thomas is the only one worthy enough to breathe that good White air?

We have to remember, Damon is from Pittsburgh. They don't know any better up there.

I agree that Bad Boy doesn't have a clue about how to market her (though, considering it's Bad Boy, it's also possible that they really don't care).