
This is a thing? Every African I know is either a Chelsea, Arsenal, or Manchester United fan.

Me too. I was hoping they'd get CCH Pounder to play Amanda Waller when I heard there was going to be a suicide squad movie, but Viola Davis is a good choice too.

Amanda Waller better be terrifying. To call the Waller's that DC has been giving us for the past couple of years "inadequate" would be an understatement.

I hate exercise and haven't played competitive sports since I was 12 years old, so I can't be #1 - Falcon.
I don't work in corporate, nor am I up my own @zz enough to pretend to like J.Cole or know any MLKK quotes, so I don't fit #2 - War Machine
And while I do have around 10 afro-centric tattoos, I've poor for much to

If you want to begin with some older issues, a good place to start would be to find some back issues of Black Panther Vol. 4- the series that started in 2005. It was written by Reginald Hudlin with John Romita, Jr. on the art; was once famously dubbed "the best comic you're not reading".

I'm waiting for the trade. Since TNC is writing it, I'm betting that the story will be a better read all at once than month to month.

Black Panther was married to Storm from the X-Men so any woman that dates him is going to have to deal with periodic passive-aggressive comparisons to the ex-boo who he's still in love with, and who he clearly thinks is better than you.

I disagree re: him not thinking clearly. I'm pissed at the character because I feel like he was entirely in his right mind. He knew everything that was at stake. I get that he's sad and traumatized and shit, but he made a conscious decision to put his friends in immediate danger because he was too weak and selfish to

Good episode and all but….Jasper? Really? We're just going to gloss over him like that? I didn't much mind the stuff with Pike, and I came to terms with the stuff with Bellamy, but the show's going to let Jasper off the hook?

I usually roll my eyes whenever somebody brings up "bipartisan issues" but this mess is something that really should alarm you, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum. For as much as conservatives go on about religious freedom, they should be the loudest voices in opposition to legislation that would seriou

The key part is stuck in Section 3.3, 143-422.13 Investigations; conciliations. It's in the very last sentence in that paragraph.

Do they really think anybody is afraid of them anymore? It's not 1905; it ain't nothing to put a hole in a white sheet.

My mind was blown when I first learned about it. I'm still struggling to figure out how they were able to pull a fast one like this.

What seems to be getting lost in the whole debate is all of the other stuff this law does.
Chief amongst them; it eliminates a path in state court for A-N-Y-O-N-E bringing discrimination claims against their employers. Let that sink in for a second. If you live in NC and you are discriminated against based on your

What seems to be getting lost in the whole debate is all of the other stuff this law does.
Chief amongst them; it eliminates a path in state court for A-N-Y-O-N-E bringing discrimination claims against their employers. Let that sink in for a second. If live in NC and you are discriminated against based on your race,

What seems to be getting lost in the whole debate is all of the other sh!t this law does.
Chief amongst them; it eliminates a path in state court for A-N-Y-O-N-E bringing discrimination claims against their employers. Let that sink in for a second. If live in NC and you are discriminated against based on your race,

That's not a thing that happens in real life.

How is having a person who physically looks like a person of another gender using the same bathroom as you supposed to be less disruptive?


I made a mistake. I should have said "socially-aware" or "mindful"; basically, just spend a minute or two thinking about how other people might react to something that you do or say.