this is the best Deadspin article of all time, wanna fight?
this is the best Deadspin article of all time, wanna fight?
Chicks dig the long ball
Nope, sweet.
Does this mean I’m back in the greys?
i may be losing my healthcare, but at least i have this. You win the day, thank you.
Cleveland stan here, I’m pissed he’s leaving, don’t get me wrong, but my silver lining is that I’ll no longer have to experience the frustration of, every half dozen games, where they are moving the ball well and blowing teams out, and Kyrie decides the new move is to dribble the ball into the floor for 18 seconds,…
My dad just handed me his Boy Scout Handbook and said “figure it out”. No indoctrination, no dress-up, no rallies, and now I can tie 8 knots and start a fire.
Hear, hear. For one shining moment on the lake, no one could shit on us. I’ll tell my kids about that.
I wanna make a joke here, but I’m worried it might be insensitive, and I’ve been drinking.
I bought the $9 machete featured on kinjadeals last week. I’m shook.
Hope you’re doing well. Lost my dad to cancer around the same time, and some days still suck just as much as the first. Stay strong, friend.
If you don’t want to give them money, you can, y’know, don’t. I don’t need to hear the comments. I’m so past crowdfunding outrage in 2017.
One small glimmer of hope, I read somewhere reputable (don’t know if it’s true) that there are state-level charges which could be applicable that are immune from presidential pardon.
Dumper Fire is what you get after Taco Bell.
This is good kinja.
Benjamin Button. I hate myself.
Dragon has three heads
Starred for Ankh Morpork. Bless your soul.
pssst. incognito mode on Chrome
Yep, this was fun as hell. Maybe get some of the committee to the NFL?