the judo madonna

A POC is the one who told him to say it. I agree with you, but I understand her confusion.


Miami has no state income taxzzzzzzz

Why don’t they just backtrace it?

Fake news. As long as you’re kind and respectful, there’s a lot of boner love in these parts. Feminist /= Gay.

To be fair, “not enough boners” is pretty much a universal truth.

Can his handlers 5150 him? Doesn’t excuse anything, but he seems to have a few screws lose. Treat the disease, not just the symptoms.

this is my new favorite story.

There’s too much iron in your water. I have the same problem : (

I wanted to say I think Madeleine is magically babelicious, but I’m not sure if that’s insensitive or whatever so if it is, just keep me in the greys and I’m sorry.

Had a short term relationship with a woman that ended pretty contentiously. We matched on Bumble again, and she apologized, and wants me to come over. I know this is a bad idea, but I’ve been pretty lonely lately so I might just shoot myself in the foot.

I’m out of the loop. Where did “tittie kissin” come from?

I’m in hopeless, long-distance love with a dancer, and when I can share ballet-themed things with her, it makes me happy, so thank you for sharing this. : )

oh fuck YES this is the good shit thank you thank you

Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed this, and had no idea it existed.

I watched this at the bar, and I was getting loud about it, and people were like “bruh, women’s softball?”, but I persisted, and by the end, everyone was whoopin’ it up.

But that dunk contest though...

This was a cool and thoughtful article, and I enjoyed it. Good on you.

But the thing is, that’s what makes this the Best Timeline LeBron, he’s matured to the point where if they do stop him, he’ll happily lay back and rack up 16 assists and let Kyrie put it down. Kyrie alone went on an 11-0 run yesterday.