


Finally, I'm in the top percentile at something...

@ hitmonInfinity,

No, but you can shit into a Mr. Coffee and it'll taste like Taster's Choice...so you know, six on one hand...

It's peeeeeeoplllllle! (trying to do Charlton Heston in type)

Wood dust isn't natural?

I'm a little tired of the "open" argument. The OS may have been "open" when my phone manufacture got it. But once they skin it, add their layer and apps it suddenly becomes as closed as Apple.

These jokes are absolutely disgusting. You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Yeah, I guess I've been making sea water to gargle with for years then...

I like how the old guy is following along with the chopsticks in the victim's pocket. How do you not feel that, and how did no one else see that?

This has been big with Russian, and other Eastern European mobsters for some time...

This sounds as promising as his last big scientific breakthrough...the one where AIDS doesn't exist.

quillaja ,

I wonder if anyone else was thinking "throw the urine on him", like I was?


@ BVoll,

Denver is too damn high,

