
I think it’s almost a generational thing; he’s just not plugged into the zeitgeist anymore.”

I’d still err on the side of the shower.

I’m all for the presumption of innocence, but they found almost half a million dollars in cash in his house. There’s simply no innocent explanation for a US senator to have that much cash hidden in his closet.

And her tits were fantastic.

The body double conspiracy is amazing to me. Have they seen this man? It’s not like he’s some generic 5'10" dadbod guy. I would guess you could find maybe two or three men in the whole world that could sort of impersonate John Fetterman.

Conservatives aren’t interested in the basics of humanity like empathy and compassion.

It’s so late 80s it premiered in 1991. 😜

You don’t need NFTs or blockchain to run a closed market for skins or whatever. 

Really not a fan of clickbaity “how can I [whatever]” headlines that have a bunch of SEO terms and end in “you can’t”

Well, that accounts for that Sunday, but how about apologizing for every other day you’ve existed in the public sphere?

“I hope you’re never in the fucking position I’m in.”

That position being, refusing to protect yourself and others from a deadly pandemic, at the expense of your career, and then acting like YOU’RE the victim?

Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.

‘I am on the board’

“Do you know who I am?”

She’s up in Canada, man.

Yeah the author is stretching a lot here. 

Yeah, this is just the kind of shit Conan said.

Not saying he didn’t know anything, but it definitely is in line with his usual stuff.

Having watching a lot of Conan (mostly during the Late Night era), I don’t think this indicates that he knew anything about Masterson, just because he’s used this type of line with a lot of guests. It’s possible - it’s not like I could know for sure - but I doubt it given just this clip to go on.

AFTER WINNING OVER viewers on Saturday Night Live, Fallon cemented his reputation as one of television’s most beloved entertainers when he started hosting NBC’s Late Night With Jimmy Fallon in 2009. Fallon’s goofy, affable, musically gifted, and middle-of-the-road approach to audiences and comedy made him easily

Those are all legitimate reasons to hate Jimmy Fallon.

Keeping child abuse quiet for 3 years “for the sake of the children” what the entire fuck?