
Would love to see his ass stuck in the chair under oath. Perjury and/or contempt in under 10 minutes.

Do it, Elon. I dare you. I double dog dare you.

That’s a lot of words to put towards expressing one’s purported apathy.

practically unlimited billing

No. It's the children who are wrong.

Not to pick nits, but the headline says “taste better than ice cream”, and then you compare the products based on how close they come to tasting like ice cream.

but more than that it seems to be using a Dune-like “prophesied hero taking down an evil space empire””

We never wanted it to be a [Star Wars film].” [...]“We learned so much working with superheroes. [Rebel Moon] is more science fantasy than sci-fi.”

Musk is a good money man and a decent engineer..

I’m not even being sarcastic when I say that I am shocked that people have realized that paying more money for cold, soggy food is a bad idea. I would have thought the combination of laziness and lack of taste would have continued to win out.

We are clearly missing 1994 from this list.

What about a super Oldboy movie?

Gunn explained(?) that he “was never making a ‘young Superman’ movie, just a Superman movie,” which doesn’t answer the fan’s original question

In addition to my full-time job, I do freelancing on the side as a hobby. This can sometime be hard to get motivated to get work done.

Thank you Giz for not making this a slideshow. 

Don’t forget all the interviews where he confesses to all his crimes.

Good. Qdoba’s better, but it’s currently way farther away for me, so I don’t go there much. Hopefully they will build a closer one.


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Seriously underrated movie. I had no idea the same guy wrote Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, another seemingly forgotten gem of the era. Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!

Nice to see “Top Secret” mentioned with some praise. So under-rated.