
I used to work with a guy who went to med school in Tulane, and he introduced me to Popeye’s ‘sparkle.’ For a healthy guy goddamn he went to Popeye’s a lot.

I’m pretty sure they have them, they’re just not enforced, and people are entitled shits.

Same here - I know how the things work, and when I only need a handful of items, I’m in and out way before I’d get through a human checker.

Rest assured, you’re doing your part.

I’m indifferent to Stewart but sign me up for this Katy O’Brian person. Also Ed Harris makes a great Crypt Keeper.

Data is incorrect. I did not watch it, and I am a subset of ‘everyone.’

Yeah. One Jason Momoa is enough...

If Villeneuve is on board for Messiah, I could see it bringing the story to a decent ending. I just don’t want a ton of extra stuff flooding the extended cinematic Dune-iverse.

Let’s reel in the gratuitous use of “we,” please.

I’m kind of hoping there’s two and no more. Those books go off the rails quickly.

Oh let’s not even get started on Jesus.

#1: It is coffee.

The vodka they use might well double as lighter fluid.

Boner alert!

The team is introduced twice because the final cut of the theatrical release merged Ayer’s cut with a cut from the trailer production company (Trailer Park) who cut the movie’s original trailers.

You wound me, truly. When I see someone make low-key, passive-aggressive insults, I always think they’re incandescent rays of positivity and sunshine, and not judgmental tools who can’t accept that different people have different tastes and opinions. Cheers!

I’m quite surprised by the good notices this movie is getting. The trailer(s) looked simply terrible. I wasn’t going to see it before, but now I simply can’t wait to not see it.

Do... do you think he has an Italian accent? He’s from Seattle.

95%? More like 9,500%!