
Kinda! Although I’m not sure Pokémon is limited to just one generation...

Can’t argue you on lobster, honestly (or any shellfish, for that matter; no ocean bugs for me), but a really good dry-aged steak, cooked well, can be simply fantastic. Most people who think steak is overrated have never had a) a good cut, b) the right cut, or c) don’t like meat.

Of course not. But complaining about the price sounds like it’s not the food you’re interested in, it’s simply about price. Just because you can’t afford something doesn’t mean it’s not worth the price.

They were made by Jim Henson’s Creature Shop... so from pedigree alone they are disappointed to be in Five Nights...

I’d really be curious to know what percentage of the box were children’s tickets. My son is 11 and was DESPERATE to see this, and at least at half-full noon matinee we went to, there were at least 10 more kids, most younger than he.

I’ve met Rob. He is literally the worst.

We get it, you don’t like food.

BREAKING: Crypto scam is unraveling because it’s a scam. In other news, water is wet.

The Game is such an incredibly well-made and entertaining film that it’s downright criminal that the ending is so flat-out terrible. It’s one thing to ask some suspension of belief from your audience, it’s another to push an completely unbelievable situation as ‘actually this was the plan all along.’

Shit, y’all, this woman had sex... with her husband... and enjoyed it. Clearly she ain’t right in the head.

There he is, the comics antichrist.

My 11-year old wants to see this so badly.

That is exactly where it came from, so it’s entirely accurate. Also it is horrible.

I’ve known people with stutters before who sounded a lot like this. It might be a little exaggerated for effect, but didn’t seem all that strange.

You’d do better learning to sleep without noise than praying for the Apple gods to fix this problem.

Considering the two fantastic burger toppings at the bottom of this list - pineapple and peanut butter - I’m sorry to say you’re forbidden from writing about food ever again.

According to various other sources, the show was not cancelled: Stewart was told to change the content of upcoming China and AI-based shows; he said no and quit the show.

Insanity. Part VII is the best by a summer camp mile.

Oh come on. “Flanafans.”

This feels like the hundredth time I’ve read about an amazing new feature/function on a iPhone that Android implemented months or even years before.