
^ This. All the upvotes here please.

I’d argue ‘best exorcism movie’ doesn’t mean ‘best depiction of an exorcism on film,’ but rather ‘best overall film featuring an exorcism.’

You misspelled The Exorcist III.

Counter-argument: Let’s not.

No Aglio e olio? This list is a sham.

The In-N-Out of the Southeast. So they serve cheap, mediocre burgers with nearly inedible fries?

I wonder which prominent political party will oppose this?

The title makes it sound pretty religious, which probably puts off a majority of science-first folks, and it puts off the bible belt when they learn it’s sci-fi and not about Jebus.

Came to see where Cop Land ranked; glad to see it getting the proper amount of respect.

“Doom-laden” is a great descriptor. This movie is great for a number of reasons, but what always stands out to me is the level of almost atmospheric dread that creeps into even the most basic scenes. There’s a gloom and weight to simple interactions, and subtle light and sound changes that pay big dividends.

You misspelled “Taco Bell”

Anything would be better than the ‘art’ in the original TM.

Douchebags gonna douche.


What if I WANT to see NSFW images?

We had so much rain this year, I never even turned my sprinklers on.

It is my dearest hope that when the employee who escorted her out was given the “Do you know who I am?!” line, said “Yes, Mrs. Taylor-Greene, but you still have to leave.”

I want to know more about the thing that shoots salt at mosquitos.

So proud of my state.

How do we not watch it?