
Because all YouTube subscribers are actual humans.

Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian... YOU SHALL NOT PASS! ... Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian

Considering humans haven’t developed an extra set of arms to play it, I think the AU is still considered theoretical.

I’m beginning to think Elon Musk might be a shitbag.

Yeah, they haven’t even invented any new instruments in, like, decades.

But he’s not.

careful slinging around “we” like that

Next thing they’ll start making comic books.

People can, and often do, like more than one kind of music.

Feels like this article should be removed once the product is out of stock.

Luckily no cannibalism actually took place”

I don’t think they understand how Beer Goggles work. They don’t change how attractive you find a woman - a 10 is always a 10. What they do is lower the standard of attractiveness you’d be willing to sleep with.

Seems a little dark, though. I mean, killing an Eevee, hollowing out its corpse and turning it into a backpack? Yeesh.

What they need to do is make some of them NFTs.

Would he have played Neo or Morpheush?

I don’t think this is anyone’s favorite line.

FINALLY! A thing no one wanted is available! Can’t wait to never use it!

Does it taste good? It’s a Qdoba. 

As a Colorado native, this is not only a fairly niche product, it’s not that beloved. Usually it’s fine - and from the photos it looks like you got WAY more crust than one normally does - but in the end it’s just another pizza.

I think that just means the screenwriter watched the show...