
This is what I see trying to read literally any page of your site. I understand and support ad-based revenue to pay your staff, but this shit is absolutely unacceptable.

I would think the *owners* of the fancy cars would be less than thrilled about having them parked on the street. If I knew a shop was doing that with my car I wouldn’t be taking my car there.

No slide show!

“I declare this cake...delicious!”

The first no-haggle dealer in my area (there are numerous now) priced their cars about $250-$500 above what you could get if you were a skilled and determined haggler. $250-$500 well spent if you ask me.

I have bought used tires before for my Focus ST. A lot of people would buy that car and almost immediately upgrade the tires, so you could find Eagle F1's with like 500 miles on them for like 30% the cost of new because people just wanted to get rid of them to recoup cost of the new ones. These tires were plentiful

First time I had a car with a back up cam I didn’t know what to do. Now that I’m used to it for sure both hands are on the wheel. I take a look around before starting to back up then eyes on the screen. Driving a car with a back up cam now is unnerving for me.

Subaru styling in a nutshell.


For comparison,1.75 acres is about the size of a large single family home. Do better Root.

I’m no fan of the Taycan but what exactly makes it a “shitty-ass car” in your eyes?

This is what 4 year olds do when mom says they have to eat dinner before having dessert. They throw a temper tantrum and sulk in the corner when it would have just been easier and more life sustaining to just eat your fucking dinner.

Nothing like a toddler doing the opposite of what they were asked just because they don’t like being told what to do... Oh wait, this is a fucking adult who typed that message! Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up and help your neighbor NOT die. Or in terms you may understand more easily, do it so YOU don’t die if you don’t

I for one am not getting the vaccine precisely because of Canadian mandates”

Thanks for noting this, but we already knew you were an idiot before this point.

Oh simp, definitely.

Thanks for showing us that Rogan fans are exactly the kind of reactionary, clueless, spittle-flecked CHUDS we all presumed them to be.


Like why in the fuck does a car with 250 miles need a new water pump, plugs, belts, etc etc? Are these actually big pieces of shit?

Like queef horns or whatever tf Elons tweets about next week?

Aren’t these just laptop components? A laptop can run half a day on a little 60Wh battery, why does it take 13 miles of range to power that?