
When CCs get rid of rewards points, and banks raise interest rates, I will stop using them. I will NOT give the bank money to use my CC. In fact, YOU are paying for my rewards because almost all businesses now bake in an extra 2-3% in prices because of people like me using high reward CCs and costing businesses extra

You know who I really like, Suze Orman. I have not seen many of her videos, but all of the ones I have seen are people calling up like “I have $20k in CC debt and a car loan that is underwater and needs repair, but I want to buy a new $3,000 Gucci bag, should I do it?” And she just stares at the camera with a look of

That just does not make sense. How do you have a degree in finance yet I have a better lock on my finances than you apparently, and I have a degree in IT. If you can’t manage a simple personal budget without Ramsey, I would definitely not trust you with my money professionally. 

Sounds like Ramsey works for you because you admit you do not have financial acumen. If it works, great! But for people like me who have a serious lock on their finances already, I would be throwing money way listening to Ramsey.

I’m also amazed that it took a global pandemic for “wash your hands” and “don’t touch things in public then put your fingers in your mouth/ears/eyes” to become mainstream advice. 

Dave Ramsey is the financial equivalent of shows on TLC (used to be The Learning Chanel, but now it’s Terrible Life Choices). He is usually speaking with the most financially uneducated people.

Thank you! So many people treat Ramsey as gospel, but if you can manage your money, Ramsey is the OPPOSITE of the advice you should be taking. The amount of money you can make using credit cards with rewards (and paying them off every month) and taking out low interest loans WAY offsets the mental issues you may have h

Dave Ramsey is for people who are really terrible with money. Generally, his ideas aren’t the best advice if you have any financial acumen and decent credit.

It’s amazing that “Keep plenty of cash on hand during uncertain times” is advice that some people really need to be told, but I guess it is.

...right next to the underglow and light up skull hitch cover...

Seriously, looks like something you buy at autozone for $25, right next to the underglow and light up skull hitch cover.

It’s literally the cheap model indicator light. The driver assistance package deletes it with the radar behind the star.

There’s a whole bunch of stupidity in it. Looks like a bill to be less “racist”

Oh man, I hope so.  I can’t believe someone at Mercedes OK’d that cheap-looking POS.

This is not news. There has been a vomit inducing caterpillar living in Washington for the past four years. 

I read that entirely in his voice. Well done.

my first thought too. “This is the Lockpicking Lawyer, and today I’m going to free my cock with a neodymium magnet. *click* Lets do it a few more times just to show it wasn’t a fluke.

Sound waves are directional like most waves.  Notice how loud a fire truck is when it’s approaching you as opposed to when it has passed you.  Sitting behind this thing would be loud, but nothing that some earplugs and muffs can’t control.  


Yes, they are the same color.