
I have a similar story where my GF and I would go around picking up furniture people set out on trash day and would flip it for $10's or $100's of dollars with just some cleaning and a posting on FB marketplace. It was a lot of work to haul all of it home and clean it, but we made a little business out of it in our

Yeah, maybe trying too hard is what it’s doing

The color changing piping reminds of of mid 2000's tuners. The more add on lights and colored piping, the better... or so we thought back then as a teenager watching F&F.

With climate change causing all these “historic” events, the word is kinda loosing its meaning. If everything is historic, nothing is historic. Progressively worse weather is becoming the norm.

What do you mean “that kind of money”??? This is cheap for a new car today, and has a cheaper starting price than a Ford Escape! I would argue this is a bargain if it is even remotely “luxurious” considering it is Escape money. A BMW x1 starts at $39k so I think you are a little out of touch with what realistic car

Lol, my arch nemesis is Geico. Fucking sleazebags

Yeah, looks like 2005 Camaro wheels but thicker

The insurance companies already total normal Tesla’s for minor accidents, the Cybertruck might just be uninsurable if they companies know it’s a full write off because someone dented your quarter panel. They are currenly saying fuck you to Kia and Hyundai owners because it’s too expensive to insure those theft prone

Whatever car you had at 16-19yo. Doesn’t matter if it is a smart car, you make it work. Can’t say I have wanted to do that since then, your own apartment works a lot better.

What MFG will NOT have an electric truck by the time Cybertruck comes out? The only reason people have not completely called this vaporware is they do actually make cars already, unlike most other vaporware companies who never release a product at all. Normal car companies that come out with fantasy vehicles just call

I’m surprised they even still exist. The last time I went in there it seems like it was just a store front for “As seen on TV” junk with some towels and pillows stacked 4 stories high around it.

Um, yes you can. I did exactly that actually a couple weeks ago for my 7 year old HP laptop with an internal battery, it’s like 9 screws and the bottom comes off no problem. They sell unbranded batteries for just about everything on Amazon or Ebay including laptops and iPhones, and a lot even say “Exact replacement”

This honestly does scare me a little. Just how many shoddy battery packs are people buying and bringing on vacation? I bet you most people flying today have at least 5 items using Li-Ion batteries, some of which are no name junk from Amazon. I love how they just can’t be in checked bags, like THEY STILL POSE A THREAT

Is there anything left in the wallet after 34" wheels and tires and a squat rake lift kit? I bet half of them bought that shit on Klarna, which is what people who can afford to buy things use ;)

When you get into the field of quantum mechanics, things get expensive!

It would just be nice to have some confirming evidence is all, like “Here, Harvard says your dick is little because you put that 8" lift kit on your 1500", but then again, we know how those people treat proof of anything these days so it may be futile. Maybe hand ‘em out as flyers to woman at the bars you find bro

Can they do a study on small dicks and bro trucks next? 

Dude, what? Does he not like the way that makes him sounds or something? Because to say he doesn’t is just blatant denial. No one does what he does if they don’t like money. Jesus Christ

My Ferrari stock likes this very much! 

On the highway doing 40? Yeah, I would be passing too! Highway doesn’t even count for funerals IMO, ain’t no one stopping for you there so at least drive the speed limit unless you wanna get rear ended by a huge semi or something.