
How about colors in general?! There are so many makes and models where you can’t even GET color anymore. It’s just swatches of greys, blacks, and whites on a lot of car customizers, MAYBE an army green or a dark maroon if you are lucky, but come on! Give me reds and blues and greens and oranges of many shades! And

Now playing

This is one of my greatest saves. Dad said I should have just hit it straight on instead of swerving and possibly wrecking, but fuck that! I saved my Focus ST!

Yes, you “blanked” out. There have been at least 2, maybe 3 previous articles talking about these plates. 

Well, they are advertising new models at CES so the automakers really think cars are turning into video games

They are definitely pulling a Dodge and phoning in the new models right now. I can’t wait for the Challenger to stop being made, so tired of looking at the same car 45 times in a 10 minute drive. 

Ehh, induction is best IMO. No excess heat around the pots and pans causing your utensils to turn blazing hot, it’s clean, it’s FAST. Only downside I see is you need special pots and pans, but even those are becoming more prevalent and affordable now.  

Awesome! Now the police can request my driving footage to prove I was speeding and I get to pay a monthly fee for the self incrimination, YAY!

Awesome! Now the police can request my driving footage to prove I was speeding and I get to pay a monthly fee for

I wonder how well this will work when 100+ people are streaming netflix or youtube at once.

All I see is a new front bumper. Interior does look a little different, but the entire body needs updated. 

For real! Why mention the Model X instead of the much older Model S. That car has been the exact same for the most part for over a decade! Tesla has never done a major redesign, and I think that is going to start being their downfall with all these new electrics coming out. Well that and Elon totally ruining the

Yeah, good point. As long as I can still go to my local show every year to check out all the new models I will be happy. I may only buy a new car every few years or so, but I like seeing all the new models in person to get an idea for when I do want to buy instead of going to a half dozen slimeball dealers. And it’s

So are auto shows going to be dead in 10 years because for some dumb reason automakers decided electric vehicles are tech instead of cars? I don’t want to go to CES to see new cars

That supercharger totally adds $20k to the value of this truck! LMAO

Ok, tell me how if this person was 50 years old how it would be any different avoiding those obstacles? You try safely crashing an airplane and let me know how expertly you handle it. He called his mom because he couldn’t radio a tower to say they were crash landing, not to just say hi. This kid knew he needed to

There is a flaw in your logic. Literally anyone on this planet can pass a drivers test in America if they know how to turn on the car and put it in a parking space.

The people who buy the 550 and the people who buy a GT350 are mostly totally different people. People with money buy the 550 because it’s an investment. People with a lot less money buy the GT350 as a toy to roll out to the local classic car show in, maybe it will appreciate a little, but it is not an investment

I guess so. In America, if you can’t get on the highway with it, it isn’t much use because everything is so far apart. 

I mean, if you want to drive your golf cart on the 70mph highway next to semi trucks and whatnot, be my guest, but for a normal car you are paying for more than just an engine and four wheels, you are paying for safety and regulation that says you probably won’t die in a crash and that isn’t $12,000 cheap, at least

Subsidies are not forever. They are just to get the ball rolling on something. I doubt they will be around more than 5 years. It is like the cash for clunkers program, it was a short period of subsidies to get people off old inefficient cars. Just give up this pipe dream of a $12,000 car, it isn’t going to happen, or

More like cost analysis probably shut it down. Anyone can say anything, that doesn’t mean its even remotely possible, unless again, it is a golf cart or similar with max speed of like 40mph and range of 30 miles. And with inflation edging prices up every year, we are LONG past a $12,000 car.