
Wait, so people would bitch and moan about DLC, and now they’re enraged that they CAN’T pay to unlock something? Fucking kids these days.

ok, so are you gonna smash your keurig or not

Other people who shot the videos appear to be under the impression that destroying the Keurigs will make liberals angry

Is it a video of his honeymoon with Ciara?

This is like trying to decide between rooting for corn on pizza or ketchup on steak. Fuck both of them.

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

This is what I do at parties.

“I really want to believe that people aren’t that stupid.”

The more I read about people falling for online scams and sending people money - lots of money - the less sorry I feel for any of them. It’s 2017, not 1997, nobody should be falling for this shit anymore. Nobody should have been falling for it then, either, but there’s just no excuse for it anymore.

It’s a war game. People die.

Thank you for running this. I don’t have any love for Trump, but he’s not wrong about fake news. And I agree with you in that this isn’t anywhere near anything of importance - I mean, he’s feeding fish - but this is the level it’s reached. And this:

If you think this is going to turn out like Rogue One...

Is there some explanation for Ramsey’s ejection or did the refs just screw this up? He deserved a penalty for the shove no doubt but in terms of the fight it seems Ramsey just gets manhandled by Green who does all the actual punch throwing. You can get ejected for getting your butt kick?

Well, aren’t you a samurai of semantics.

Absolutely right. The correct term is xenophobic - not racist.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is just a simple, Southern, country lawyer who is not familiar with all the wily ways of them Yankee city folks that he’s been forced to work with. Sometimes they use “terms” and “words” that he, as an honest, Christian, Southern gentleman isn’t familiar with the meanings of and can

That one flew right over your head...

He’s a 70 year old man. He can’t be expected to remember every illicit meeting with representatives of a hostile foreign government.

Or “Kevin Hart to replace Tyrese Gibson in Fast and Furious franchise”

Cool story, bro. This article is about national chains, though, so NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LOCAL PLACES.