
Yep. Now that I'm remembering it, my sister actually went out to happy hour with one of her bullies* and said, "You know what? You were terrible to me. I did nothing to you and you were just awful to me because I was shy and I wouldn't fight back. It wasn't cool, and I'm not really interested in hanging out now or

I had school tormenters as well. I've thankfully managed to get them nearly all out of my life by having a pretty strict "if I don't like you in real life, you aren't on my Facebook" rule. My 10 year high school reunion was canceled, much to my glee (I hated high school.) I am conventionally, intellectually,

You're assuming she'd see herself in a bully description. I'm not so sure. I've heard about other horrible, awful childhood bullies who, as adults, have zero recollection of the pain they've inflicted. NONE!

You know, the best way to truly stick it to her is to find out what school her kid attends, and then volunteer to be a guest speaker where you share your experiences being bullied in 8th grade, and how you were able to overcome them to have this glamorous life. Give specific examples without naming names, imagining

It seems likely that someone will forward this story to 'Stacey,' and your desire to make her feel bad about her life will be satisfied.

Time to get out the measuring stick, Dwayne. A dick for a tit — it's only fair.

Judging by the wording, they might actually be saying "We don't want kids to see what we put on our signs, but we won't stop protesting because that's our right."

The First Amendment limits US government restrictions on peaceful protests. "Buffer zone" ordinances can move protests away from the door, but that is about it.

In addition, the groups say it is inappropriate for schoolchildren to see the protests and graphic signs associated with a clinic performing abortions.

This proves that in a post ' Fifty Shades' world the media sphere is so saturated (as well as very adversarial (often fake)) that whatever anyone puts out will be ridiculed, co-opted or news-jacked by a a surprisingly large part of the media. It all content farmed keyword vomit mixed with Jell-O.

What does "lean in" mean? Is that like the awkward "ass out" hug?

It sounds like it means "be curious and inquisitive about". Which there are apparently already words for that I just used. And it seems like something you shouldn't have to recommend to people.

I'm "leaning in" to "leaning in", because I like to "lean

That Time article on pregnancy is one of the most pointless things I've ever read. It reads like she was required to write a certain number of words, and when she realized she was going to go way over that if she kept in the direction she was going, she just wrapped it up hastily and sent it in. It seems like she's