
Musk is going through massive legal battles with the DoJ, SEC, and NHTSA. He needs Trump to pardon him when he joins Trump as a felon compatriot.

This is a mermaid calling you to your doom.....run away!

“Make Jalopnik great again!” —some weirdo who only started shitposting here 2 weeks ago.

Don’t forget Vance, Kennedy, Gabbard. The one place they don’t lack for diversity is in the weirdo department.

What a sad, miserable existence, waiting for some random blog to end just out of spite. If you hate coming here so much, have you considered doing or reading things you actually enjoy?

Plus all the stars for deep Blues Brothers cut.

Just so the whole thing is legible, and not reduced to gibberish by Kinja’s inability to handle links properly:

Once you are on Trump’s shit list, you are never going off it.  You may be suspended from it for saying nice things, giving him gobs of money, etc....   But you are never truly off. 

Stink bombs are cheap.

Musk: “Trump thinks I’m weird, and has said he’ll ban EV cars that make me most of my disgusting wealth, maybe if I pay him off he’ll let me blow him.”

If DJT told me the time on those two time he was correct I would still verify. 

Yes - you can put it in neutral and rev it a bunch. That counts, right?

This will convince me to not buy a GM product. $25 a month. $300/yr. $3000 for 10 years? Go fuck yourself. My phone does this for free with it’s existing data plan. 

I’m certain Mr. Aquilino was driving through one of the densest cities on the planet as a good boy scout should, not repeatedly revving it in slow moving traffic like some douchecanoe. 

I’d LOVE to see Harley riders start getting fined.  But selective enforcement...

I think that it is ok for neighborhoods/ cities to want a peaceful environment. I don’t think that “unmodified” vehicles should be exempt from sound enforcement you should be able to short shift/keep the vehicle in a higher gear to keep the RPMs down. There is a difference between driving a loud car and being

So...they want me to pay a subscription for a plan that tracks my driving and location, then sell the information to insurance companies that will jack up my rates. Got it and F No!

Honestly every EV should be leased, and it’s also the reason why manufacturers are hesitant on them.

Ths is why more complicated software shouldn’t control basic functions of a car that don’t require it.

Mythbusters called, wants to know what took them so long to golf-ball an airplane and wants a cut of any profits realized from this.