
This is simply not a good looking car. The black hood seems to accentuate the weird proportions of the car and that luggage rack screams “Grandma’s LeBaron”.

ND! Two better options? Miata or Chrysler LeBaron, depending on your priorities.

His behavior makes me think PCP. That kinda shit will age you fast.

Counterpoint: He is smart in exactly zero ways, he is a conman and a snake oil salesman who got rich marketing the ingenuity of others.

So far we’ve seen this robot as a guy in a spandex suit, then an elaborate mechanical turk being puppeted by someone just off camera, and now locked away behind glass. But surely it’s not just more vaporware to pump Tesla stock price.

Karens are everywhere, and you’re a fool to assume otherwise.

Also clean you’re wheels and brakes off before going to a place with big hills

Man, Brownell has really let himself go.

It’s probably worse thinking of it that way.  Peak value for this is in that $60k range…but that’s a truly special and well-documented car.  If he’s thinking it’ll be $85k to restore to something that’s market value, he’s basically saying “buy my car to lose $50k.”  

And that’s why Ford spun off EV’s to a separate company, so losses don’t drag down the whole company.

The only new-ish [to me] tech I’ve found useful in my current 2018 car consists of CarPlay, blind spot indicator, and rear cross-traffic alert.  Everything else it has existed since the 90s.  Having driven newer cars with automatic emergency braking, lane departure prevention, and even adaptive cruise control, I found

Yea, they talk about the costs this way every time they talk about EVs, A few months ago it was ‘130k loss for every EV sold this year’, not we are down to 44k, I guess?  Such rapid improvement, wow!  There was similarly misleading coverage when the US government rolled out a multi billion program to build EV

He said 85K cost of restoration, not value of car. Maybe he’s hoping someone infers the value of a concours restored car based on that, without further investigation. I can see a concours level restoration costing 85k with this as a starting point. But much cheaper and faster to buy one already done, unless you want

“If you guys don’t buy it I’ll restore it myself! ...I’m not kidding here! ...I’ve got parts coming and there’s a wrench in my hand! ...You’ll all be sorry when it’s all fixed up and you didn’t buy it when you had the chance! ...Okay I’m lowering the price $3500 but that’s it! ...I just tracked my order and those

I remember after my first night in my new house, bemoaning the fact that I had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per day for lodging. 

I keep making this comment and Jalopnik keeps ignoring it. The correct headline should be “Ford loses $44k per EV sold.” It sounds like a subtle difference, but it does not falsely imply a marginal loss of $44k on each additional EV. 

The Mustang Mach E is a lot closer in size to an Escape (Mach E is 4" longer) than it is an Explorer (Mach E is 13" shorter).

So, it’s in the size class of the best selling vehicle in the country that’s not a pickup truck, the Toyota RAV4. The next two best sellers that aren’t pickups? Tesla Model Y and Honda CR-V. That

“Look honey, I tried to sell it but with interest prices up, no one was in the market for it. I’ll just keep working on it and maybe try selling again when the economy is better.”

Saying they are losing $44k on every EV sale is highly misleading. /They are taking their total costs and write-downs of assets and applying it to every car sold. That is very different than the actual cost per vehicle for material labor and overhead.

He offers to restore it for $85,000. I found several that are done for sale in the $40,000-$50,000 range so he’s out to lunch on the value.