
I agree with apologizing, education, and protecting survivors of assault, but the bit on hiring them is a bit much. In every line of work, I don’t care if it’s entertainment or stocking shelves at a grocery store, the best fit for the job should get it. Whether or not they’re victims of the worst of toxic masculine

I’d love to get into a more vegetable based diet, but I was raised in a household that didn’t force me to eat food I didn’t want to because I was so damned stubborn as a child that eventually my parents gave up. I live alone so I’m cooking for one and constantly having to buy fresh fruits and vegetables can be taxing

Sounds to me more like she’s using it as an excuse to divorce him for everything she can get while still looking good in the public eye.

With the exception of the James Bond theme I can’t listen to any of Billie Eilish’s music, it just sounds like a kid who discovered soundcloud at a young age and it ruined her ability to write music. Lyrics are fine, but the music itself is trash to my ears. But then again I am old.

The irony being that Nintendo has existed in Kyoto for over a century and as a result quite likely has had or still has strong ties to the local Yakuza families.

Because what people find attractive is entirely subjective? Maybe basic hot white boy is her type?

Yeah, any time I see someone get all “Walt Disney’s Values!!!!!” I can’t help but flashback to that Robot Chicken sketch where Walt is still alive and is in a cyborg body devouring Cuban children to sustain himself. I was under the impression that it was well known that Walt Disney, for all his positive creations and

Makes sense. They’re operating under the codename Red Energy according to local sources in Vancouver. I assumed either Knuckles or the red Chaos emerald were involved, possibly both.

This kind of shit just makes me absolutely fucking livid. I’m not going to even pretend like I understand the racial and ethnic side of this issue, it is beyond my pitiful, lily white understanding. With that said I have extraordinarily thick hair for a white person, in 50 years when I’m rocking a purple bathrobe in

Martrying the lot of them probably would have made things worse. It’s what came decades after all of those men died by natural causes that is the problem, killing them probably would have exacerbated the problem and moved it forward.

If there are any political that don’t need to be preserved... it’s WASP traditions. Let’s not forget that ancient Anglo-Saxons spent a huge amount of their time warring amongst themselves before eventually combining into one nation that would eventually come to be called England, which eventually resulted in one

I mean, as a white person talking about racism... Uhhh yeah, the US is racist. It was a nation literally founded on slavery and at decent chunk of it fought at least in part to retain the right to have slaves. All major nations have unsavory parts of their history and could be accused of having racist ideology. How

So basically what you’re saying is that the British version is better... as usual.

I was watching the Netflix documentary “The Innocent Man” and I recall being shocked by how little the men who were exonerated in it received in compensation. They were imprisoned for 11 years and only received half a million each, which in my mind is insane. Even for 2003 that’s nowhere near how much shaving 11 years

When I was a kid there was a full on Dole Whip ice cream parlor at a market down on our local quay. It’s not special or unique to Disney.

Being consigned to Apple Arcade means it’ll get all the players it probably ever would. Mistwalker has been putting out mobile phone games no one plays for the last nine years.

Yes. In fact I’ve done it on more than one occasion. Ice cream trucks were not allowed on the in neighborhoods in the city I grew up in. Parks, proper city streets and so on were all OK, but on the streets of houses? No. There was this one asshole who flouted that rule as often as he could and would sometimes just

That’s not entirely true, it actually depends on the kind of ginger you have and what you’re using it for. If I’m making a ginger bug to make ginger beer with or I’m making the ginger beer itself I peel it every single time since no matter how much you wash the ginger you’re never going to get rid of the pesticides

Tricky... Hah. I would never, ever consider “navigating” a meetoo world tricky. Why? I respect women because women are people and people deserve a certain level of respect simply by existing. It’s the same argument about how cops have to be careful in a post BLM world. My best friend’s dad was a cop for 30 years and

I was about to post that this is the kind of shit that makes me irrationally angry until I realized that there isn’t a goddamn thing irrational about being upset that this kind of racism is allowed in a civilized society. I hope that bank teller and everyone who was involved in her decision to refuse a hard working