
Yeah, I have a chocolate addiction and you don’t see me wandering around town killing people who sell chocolate because my local Purdy’s didn’t have their Easter chocolates yet when I was in there a few weeks ago. This rush to justify and explain racially motivated murders to try and avoid just calling this sack of

I’m not surprised it’s still a mess. MoS and BvS were absolutely terrible, there was no reason for the Snyder Cut of a bad film to be anything other than a bad film. Whedon, for all his failings, is a vastly superior director to Snyder and if he can’t polish Snyder’s turd then why would Snyder be able to?

This thing is an internet meme that came to life. The sooner I forget about it the better.

I feel like this is somehow the start of NIER Automata. Quick, if weird white monsters suddenly appear and anyone finds a talking book... Don’t open it.

Don’t forget that Food 52 picked up Sohla and Rick. Rick Martinez is, in my mind, the biggest loss to Bon Appetit. The man brings more natural class, knowledge, and likeability to damn near any other cook on youtube. He’s the kind of guy you could build a channel around.

I don’t live with my parents, but I pay for a subscription and let them use it. If they think I’m going to let them take that access away from my mom and dad I will immediately cancel and start pirating their shit. Netflix can get fucked.

Well that’s an interesting twist. I tapped out of the reboot when it became the Tai and Matt show.

A illiterate pedophile.

You’re mistaking his American reality TV presence for his actual presence. Watch some of his British stuff and the only thing you’ll see is a guy who probably has undiagnosed ADHD and fucking loves cooking food. There’s far less yelling unless it’s earned and there’s way less bullshit about how to cook.

What the figuratively literal fuck. That is... how can anyone justify such cruelty? That kind of behavior is psychotic at best and pure sociopathy at worst. That is inhuman.

Jesus H, that’s a lot. I lost both of my grandmothers in a ten day period shortly after my 28th birthday. It completely sucked the wind out of me, over seven years later I still hate the time of year surrounding my birthday because of the associated feeling of loss. To have so much loss in so short a time, I wouldn’t

That’s actually a very good way to describe the Mythical Kitchen.

Mythical Kitchen is attached to one of the biggest ongoing daily shows on youtube: Good Mythical Morning. It’s where all their “Will it” foods come from. They specifically hired Josh, Nicole, and their team to go as balls to the wall as possible. Quite

I don’t think I will ever understand why anyone has any patient for the chicklet toothed mother fucker.

I have a friend who will be all “Duhhh me want every meat duuuhhh” any time we order pizza. So we’re sitting there ordering pizza and exactly none of us are stoned so we don’t have an excuse for poor selection of toppings. This idiot sees that there is shrimp on the list of toppings. He’s all “I want shrimp.” and we

The Republicans running to Sanders’ aid was such a weird experience. The man is 79 years old, he didn’t need anyone defending him. Especially when he’s such a curmudgeon himself. Did they actually think people would believe their defense of him was sincere? Sanders was accepting of Biden’s nomination of Tanden. Why?

I saw this trick for the first time about 13 years ago on a local access network cooking show. I’ve never tried it, in large part because I’ve never once in my life thought “Gotta have me one of them hard boiled eggs.” No thank you.

I mean sure if you leave out the fact that it’s the most Mexican thing ever.

No. Kill it with fire. Nooooo.

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t pay her what she was worth. I only remember three things from MadTV. Debra Wilson as a whole, Stuart, and all of the painfully racist Asian scenes with that one guy whose name I can’t remember.

Why does it even need tomatoes? I don’t get it. Pepper, pecorino or parmesan, guancale or panchetta, and spaghetti. You’ve got spice, salt meat you choose, creamy texture from the pasta water and the cheese... and the pasta to consume it with. It’s a very light, creamy dish, it does not need brightening with tomatoes.