Josh Bailey

The issue a lot of people have is that there doesn’t seem to be a standard or any consistency on how long yellow lights should be. There are some around me that you can make it through even if you are an 1/8th mile away when it changes. There are others that will turn red before you stop even if you slam your brakes

I don’t know about Costco where you live, but here it is closer to 30 cents cheaper.  That is before the additional cash back I get for using the Costco credit card.

It’s hard to say that organic supports better agricultural techniques as well.  Yields on organic are generally much lower than for non organic crops.  That means more land is required for the same output which raises the cost of the food for little to no benefit in nutrition.

What is wrong with Grandma’s Buick? If it’s anything like my Grandpa’s Buick it has decent power delivery and a smooth, quiet ride.

Both the speed limit and signaling are about safety. The difference is that signaling is the only way to DIRECTLY alert OTHER drivers of what you are doing.  If the whole of traffic is going faster than a posted number it is safer to drive with traffic.  MOST cops understand that and will let it go MOST of the time.

4th Gear. I can personally attest to this one. I daily drive a GMC Acadia which has lane departure warning. All it does is beep a little if you start to approach the edge of the lane without a turn signal. It does not adjust the steering or anything.  Every time I drive the Acadia after my has driven it I find that

I honestly wouldn’t have minded getting a minivan a couple of years ago when we got a 3 row.  My wife was the most against it, and she isn’t the one driving it most of the time.

I understand exactly where you are coming from, and I do fully agree that for most homeowners the best course of action will be to charge every/nearly every night. However, the fact is that in a pinch or case of emergency, there are approximately 150,000 gas stations in this country that can completely fuel my car in

I used to be that way, but then I got a wireless charger with my last phone purchase earlier this year.  It is just so nice to pull out my phone and lay it down to have it charge.  Then when you need to leave, or your phone rings, you just pick it up.  You wouldn’t think those 3 seconds make a huge difference, but

Placing the panels over the road would have additional benefits. It would shade the cars and the asphalt (at least for some of the time). This would help reduce AC load in the cars while also reducing the heating effects on the asphalt which contribute to urban heat.

You still have to factor the cost of electricity. The average driver drives around 15k miles per year with a car that average 25 mpg and pays about $2.50 for gas. This means the average driver spends about $1,500 per year in gas. The remaining $600 probably covers tires, brakes, oil changes, etc. A Tesla model 3 Long

How do you get the average cost of gas being $6,729 per year for a small sedan? Let’s look at an efficient truck that averages 20 mpg. If that truck is driven 20k miles per year (which is the high end of average) it will consume 1000 gallons of gas per year. If gas is around $3.00/gallon then you are spending $3,000

That something new and “younger” is called, “not getting a drivers license while waiting for the self driving revolution.”  The phrase will turn from, “Eww, minivans are what my parents drove,” to “Eww, my parents had to drive their own car.”

I am more surprised to see that era Lexus with “still red” inner taillights.  Those must have been recently replaced as well as I’ve only ever seen pink/white ones for the past few years.

I am 6'3" with a 34" inseam.  My 4 year old son fits just fine behind me.

The passenger side is rear facing, and luckily my wife is 5'2" so it’s not as issue for her.

No issues with 2 car seats in the back of a Camaro here.

The larger concern is that there are many people “expecting” this kind of slow response to vehicle repairs, and these people are not buying Teslas because of this very issue. This concern is compounded by the fact that Tesla is not the only BEV in town anymore and competitors from established brands with established

It’s not like there is no end goal here. We have models and theories that support the potential for these different allotropes of carbon only molecules. The theories and models also support the idea of physical and electrical properties that are unlike materials that we currently have today. This phase of

These are the types of experiments that lead to the development of new materials that are able to perform new functions or increase the efficiency of what we already have.  I am sure that many people thought the same things in the 1800s, but look at what we have today.