
Yeah, I’m not sure what people were expecting from the Volt. Wasn’t the first gen put on the market in 2010? How many other PHEVs with a 35 mile range existed at the time?

Owning 48 guns with 26,000 rounds of ammo is not an accident. This is totally insane on so many levels.

He was arrested and swiftly released on $1 million bail”

He seems a pretty obvious danger to others and himself, so the only reason I can see to allow him to post bail at all would be that they hope he finishes the job and spares everyone the expense of a trial.

JFC, what the hell do you need 48 firearms and 26k rounds of ammunition for.... Going to start a little private war?

The rumors that there was a RWD Mazda 6 with a straight-6 engine in the works, which eventually came to naught, just as we all knew in our hearts that it would.

All Hondas and Toyotas plus a Ford F-150. We didn’t need Consumer Reports to tell us this. 

There’s also no shame in buying a car instead of lifestyle vehicle.

The new average monthly payment for a new car is $725 and a used car, on average, is running for $516 a month. And if you think that’s expensive, monthly payments exceeding $1,000 a month are becoming more and more common.

Ah, so you never fuck up / never ever make grave mistakes. You are superhuman. Got it.

I can’t imagine paying for a Mitsubishi.

Now playing

I don’t know, but the car doesn’t seem to fair too well off road...


Lifetime union guy but I don’t think the hyperbole from both sides is the way to proceed. Sit down at the big table and get to work.

Given the battery pack, power train, and luxury appointments it will probably be closer in weight to the Hummer EV, so more like > 9,000 lbs.

Such a giant waste of materials with that 200 kwh battery. That’s like three Chevy Bolts, or 15+ plug-in hybrids. I guess GM is set on continuing to build giant polluting SUVs. Why not stick with a great V8 and add a powerful hybrid motor????? It would be lighter, faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

Oh you want a sensible EV to soothe your climate concerns and consumption guilt? Here’s a $100k monstrosity that will sail clean through a Civic without slowing down. Our big push for EVs will be spearheaded by morons with too much money trundling around in heavy destructive tanks that spit broken asphalt and tire

A few thoughts:

Or better still, in 2019 I paid that for a loaded (leather, navigation and whatnot) Fiat 124 Spider Lusso with *29* miles on it. My 50th birthday present to myself. Loved that car, but didn’t fit in it comfortably, sadly.

Did you just time travel from 2003?

This thing is mad clean to...Shoot Maybe I’ll pick it up myself, sounds fun