
Haha “sir, your V8 revs are lowering our quaint upper-middle-class property values, show some decency!”

Get a wireless android auto/carplay dongle for $40. It plugs right up in the usb and wirelessly connects every time I get in my ls500. Save thousands on getting an older one. Plus the entire with the trackpad is way nicer and has more ambient lighting.

I mean he was revving it at a car show to people that wanted to hear it. How is he in the wrong here? 

Needs to drop even further for me, but I’ll take mine in Nori Green, very handsome cars.

Right before I got the sports car I ended up going with (in 2020) medium to higher mileage examples (50-80k.mi) were going for as low as $55k in good condition. Then, Covid’s car market exploded and you couldn’t touch them for under $80k. Had they remained at that price point when I got my car, it would have been

Stop telling people this shit!!! Fun used cars are expensive enough.

I agree, but he’ll be able to live a lot less if he exhausts his retirement account maintaining a Rover or X6 M.

Forgive me for stretching the definition of car, but if there’s a totally mundane vehicle that elicits a “hell yeah, that’s awesome” response from me, it’s a single cab & short bed 1/2 ton pickup. They’re hard to find outside of business/contractor work, but anyone who can be bothered to find and drive one is a hero

For me it’s the Genesis G80

The Mazda 3 is such a handsome, well-appointed, well-built, and reasonably priced car. Its hardware is a little archaic, but reliable as a result, and I can appreciate its sense of “simplicity” in an increasingly complicated automotive landscape. It’s a practical, sensible car with a heavy dose of style, and that’s a

For me, it’s gotta be the Mazda3. Not only does it look really great on the outside, the interior looks like it punches above it’s price with nice materials, tech, and buttons (glorious buttons!). Plus, you can get one pretty well equipped for under $25k, and, from what I understand, the drive is a good blend of

Volvo V60 - one of the few cars that catches my eye when out and about. Refreshing in a sea of bland crossovers.

If it didn’t work for 11-foot-8 (+8), I doubt it would work for these double-wides.


That’s what you need if you want Multi-Track Drifting.

Whatever hides the vast swathe of false grille outline.

Things like this are why DeSantis’s poll numbers are cratering. It’s become obvious that he has no principles and his governing approach is simply catering to whatever culture-war meme is getting the most current traction. To get a piece of legislation like this out of the current FL legislature with bipartisan

in beige it always struck me as very Enterprise-D

For the 30th year in a row, it’s Model Bloat.

Only making 4-door models.