Jo 'Mama' Besser

Kevin does—if he isn't mad at her.

I had never heard of this Danger-5 show before seeing it named on this thread. I just watched the pilot and I want to say thanks for indirectly bringing it to my attention, those dogs are just out of hand. Thanks again, (I mean this as a compliment) it's truly one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. :)

I'd choose the opening scene in The Mission.

Didn't he also say something about how Hollywood cured racism when some dumb self-congratulatory montage played?

We let them win our award once and now those people are getting greedy.

You know what would be sinful? Blend up a cheesecake, distill it, then add its concentrated essences to the drink. If you ever emerge from the coma, it'll go straight to your thighs, but sometimes you have to treat yourself, and Alfie Zappacosta, who frequents the office for kicks.

Cinnabon Manager

I remember being so confused as to why people actually liked Grease when I saw it. That's a horrible ending!!! I still don't know why they like it when there that ending (not that I would have liked it anyway) hanging over the whole production. 'Did she put up a fight' What are you saying? Grease is the plague.

I'm a woman who knows six couples who have divorced because of that mentality—and I've known seven married couples. I'm only 30. Don't sweat it. These people got married due to your same worries and I now know a lot of people who are quite sad. You shouldn't make yourself lather about other people's dumb expectations


That sounds like the perfect song for a ten-year-old to write for an eight-year-old.

I waited until it ended to listen, then listened to it over the course of about half a week. It was fine, I'm not a true crime nut, but it held my interest because there are parts that are weird as all get-out but there's no big reason to avoid it. I stay away from lots of stuff because of hype, too, and to be honest

It doesn't compare to Slinky: The Toy From Hell, though.

'There were even black Pharaohs, for pity's sake'.

Hm. They go on about how they don't know what Egyptians looked like but they sure as fuck know what slaves looked like.

When are we going to stop pretending that Chuck Norris is cool? This fixation is asinine.

That band title has always made me want to break things.

I think they love the riots, it's confirmation bias for them and an excuse to double down.

Some places have them, but the cops don't have to keep them on.

Learned nothing from R. Kelly? This is almost as ill-advised as that My NYPD debacle.