
I agree… but women being into Dinosaurs?  If this was a movie I would say the premise is far-fetched that a line of Dinosaur Erotica for women would have enough interest to be this successful.  and I would be wrong!  still very strange though.

Is this parody or is Dino-Fetish a real thing?

I always take a left turn at Alburquerque

The show aired less than a week ago and lots of people are still catching up.  What's wrong with having some respect for those that are still watching?

I never thought there was any ambiguity in the Cowboy Bebop ending.

I would be perfectly ok with that, add some Judy Garland maybe.

"DC Comics found itself with a character steadily gaining popularity in outside media and immediately focused its attention on bringing the comic-book Green Arrow back to prominence"
It sucks that that's what it takes for them to care about quality control for their characters.

clearly you don't play cards, as a high stakes game of Hold'em between two professionals is pretty engaging and suspenseful.

My pick would be Milli Vanilli's concert in the Mushroom Kingdom. Aside from the fact that I unironically enjoy Blame It On the Rain, it would be surreal to attend surrounded by Toads and other Mario Brothers characters.…

Should I watch this or the American version first?

lol sounds like the writers had no clue about the thing they were trying to spoof.

I wasn't familiar with World of Warcraft but was familiar with the culture surrounding the game, if that makes sense, so the episode was still effective to me.

I know very little about Minecraft, except that I think it involves building stuff.  Would I get this episode or will the jokes go over my head?

between this and Masters of Sex, Bumblin Beau Bridges seems to be making a quiet little comeback.

Spielberg did a lot of Lens Flare?

Why does he do it at all?  It's incredibly distracting, especially in Super 8.

I'm a big fan of the books but forget who this character is supposed to be.

I love Michael J Fox, so I really hope this show does well.

Everyone should quit Twitter.  Would make for a better world.  #TwitterQuitter

Movie looks sucky but I read the monologue referenced in the article and I like it.