
That's kind of how I was with Book 1, but once I started Book 2 I honestly couldn't put it down.  I adore that double page splash of Metron floating over the waring barbarians.

I recently bought all of the collected Fourth World Omnibuses and devoured them.  Amazing.  Not surprised by how much I loved them since I am a total Morrison geek.  He uses so many great things from Kirby's run (The Lump!), also a big Mokkari and Mr.Simyan fan over here.  :-)

Breaking Bad is God's gift to Television, let's all log onto the AV Club and circle jerk to it all day long, even at the expense of threads that have fuck-all to do with Breaking Bad!  Yay Breaking Bad is sooooo cool!  I am the one who knocks!!!!

I think its silly to say:   "Maybe even throw in Arrested Development, Seinfeld, and the like if you want to consider comedies" as if a comedy was somehow not as worthy of automatically being considered.
 i don't know what "The BEST TV show ever" is  but it's not Breaking Bad (which is a very good show that i love). 

I LOVE Breaking Bad, but it's not the best TV Show of all time.  Fans sometimes can't see the forest from the trees.  It's an awesome show, but come on.   

I don't think Michael Bay elevated the material of transformers. The animated movie from the 80's is spectacularly better than any live action version slopped out in the last few years.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus I don't buy groceries that way either, but a friend of mine used to do that all the time. 

I remember checks.  Just last week I recieved one from my place of employment.  (Also, I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time.)  Incedently, I notice checks coming and going from this place every day. 
Recently I had to pay my rent, I wrote a check to do it.  Isn't that just SOOO antiquated?! 

That is awesome to hear. It's really a terrific show

I am the one who knocks

Teacher read this book to our class in 2nd grade.  One of the opening chapters is about checking to make sure your teacher isn't actually a witch, and she relished reading us that bit.  Very memorable for me.  As a result I became a massive Dahl fan at an early age, consuming all his children's books.  Witches is a

Oh PLEASE let this be true! 

I've read a bunch of blurbs about this in the last 24 hours.  But this was by far the best. (…and blurbiest)

Yeah it's like, say what u want about the show (I like it, but I don't watch a lot of tv so what do I know) but Jennifer Carpenter acts the shit out of it.

I like Quinn this season. Never thought I'd say that. The Nanny character is still f'ing annoying as hell. Batista is awesome. Masuka's daughter really over-reacted, I hope she doesn't start killing people next episode. Meh, Debra's love interest boss-guy is starting to grow on me, but I'm a big softy. The fact

I saw this and was happy. Congrats John!

Hey I haven't heard too much about this Breaking Bad show, hardly anyone ever talks about it. Is it any good?

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus oh I gotta try and convince you to pick up more Absolutes!  :-)  You gotta get the Absolute Batman and Robin now.  I also happen to think Long Halloween reads best in Absolute partly due to the paper stock. 

Not to mention Dana Delany as Lois Lane, the only voice I hear when I read the character,

LOVE the Wake so far! The Abyss meets John Carpenters The Thing, yes please! This book is fantastic.