
Was never the biggest fan of Jim Henleys store layout, always have trouble finding stuff. Midtown gives you $20 for every $100 you spend, which helps me out a lot.

@pixie solanas

Thanks Oliver!  I also suggest checking this blog out by a fellow named "Rikdad".  He has been writing very thoughtful and insightful pieces analyzing Grant's run since the lead up to RIP.  I highly reccommed checking it out.

Batman # 701, 702.  RIP - The Missing Chapter.  — This bridges the gap and actually eliminates the need to read Final Crisis (although I recommend it anyway, as I like that story.)

"It Happened in Boston?" by Russell Greenan, one of my favorite books, starts off brilliantly.  The first page, the first sentence actually, will totally hook you. 

Why didn't they use a Big Gun to fight the monsters?  Because this was an homage to Japanese Kaiju movies and anime.  Are you a fan of Neon Genesis Evengelion?  Probably not, and I suspect you really weren't the audience for this movie. 

I normally love him in It's Always Sunny, but he was pretty bad in this imho

Really?  Personally I think if you wanted actual characters instead of simply Robots vs. Monsters you were in the wrong movie.  I actually wanted less characters from this.

My older sister gave it to me when it came out

being attractive by no means garentees you a place with the high school "in-crowd".  I knew plenty of attractive girls who were on the fringes or considered un-popular. 

Read the book in HS and thought it was excellent.  Haven't seen the movie though.   

Huge Drive fan, but this one didn't do it for me. The movie looks gorgeous and it started off with my attention, but after awhile it became just a lot of meaningless violence (maybe that was the point?). I don't know, but the torture scene just crossed the line for me. Too much.

I actually really loved and was impressed by Get Jiro

In the CW version, Barry is a hottie 23 year old with amazing abs who is super good at Track and Field.  Sometimes he wears a red track suit, but that's about it. 

ok - I'll be the first to admit that I read the headline too quickly and thought this was about Oregon Trail being developed for the Sega Genesis.  

I think she's doing terrific work on this show.  But you are entitled to disagree and be a dick about it while doing so. 

Everybody's mean to Masuka.  His friends rib him and give him a hard time, sure - RandomDetective Lady doesn't even have a name.  She's not part of the group and hasn't earned that relationship with him.  Masuka works his ass off for Miami Metro, he is a veteran forensics technician involved in many high profile

Frakes is the man 

Overall I really enjoyed it.

I'm sure it is seven minutes, but it never occured to me as feeling overly long and clunky.  I'll have to take another look though.