
it hasn't been that long since i last watched it, but i dont have access to it right this second.  so take me through it, Perkins is arrested following the famous cellar scene, then there is a brief scene in a police station that serves as epilogue before showing Perkins and his final masterful inner monologue.  its

"As with Psycho, however, it’s easy to forget that there’s a clunky epilogue" —

Yeah, Johns's approach seems to be "What will be best adapted into a summer action movie for the broadest possible audience?  I'll just write that, but dumb it down some more first"  His first arc of JL was basically a pitch for a (terrible) Justice League movie.  and his Shazam arc was extremely transparent as being

Justice League let me down right out of the gate with it's simplistic and downright misguided interpretation of Darkseid.  Then it gave us the most insufferable version of Captain Marvel I have ever seen or read.   

I used to be a Stand-In / Extra on Gossip Girl (as well as many NYC based projects) for multiple seasons and confirm they did this on that show as well. 

Yes!  That would be great!

I haven't given Lemire's Green Arrow a shot yet, I'm still bitter over losing the old Oliver Queen who I loved.  I guess I should get over it by now and try to embrace the new version…

I agree.  And what's more websites like iFanboy made Justice League their "Pick of the Week" last week. (same week great issues of Hawkeye and Daredevil also came out)

I am a huge New Gods fan, so this has been a lot of fun.  I have loved this WW series since the first issue.  However, the Kirby fan in me was a little dismayed to see the change in Highfather's character.  He is less of a contrast to Darkseid now, being this kind of A-Hole authoritarion character instead of the

It's sad thinking that popular and beloved characters like Wally West are now stuck in "limbo" (the version seen in Morrisons Animal Man and Final Crisis).
I wonder if these characters will ever see an Infinite Crisis-esque return to try and bring the old DCU back.

I go to NYCC every year and it looks more and more like San Diego every time. 

This thing has really gotten out of hand.  They need to split this thing up into several smaller conventions.  Let the movie people have their own Con.  The Video Game people their own con (wait, don't they have that already and they call it E3?)  and the Comic Book people have their con back.     

Community notification for this?

I've always liked her. :)

I agree. What's frustrating is that I actually had the Idea for this 5 years ago. I went to a web designer and asked him to create for me a "photoblog". He says "what's that?" "A blog exclusively for photos". He goes "why would you want that? Just start a blog and only post photos if you want."

Lol thanks- I turn 30 this weekend

Haha me too! A comical scene made uber creepy when we get more info later.

Honestly, I still don't really know what Tumblr actually is.  I stopped bothering to keep up long ago, every other week there is some new super important web-thing that supposedly makes everything better but is really just pointless.
Reddit, Tumblr, Pintrest, Instagram, Vine, Spotify, etc etc etc.  Who cares, just stop.

It's a wonder why Dan didn't call him out on this.  "Of all the gay BDSM Tumblr's in all the world, they click onto mine"

"Cyclops: Sorry, Logan, superheroes wear costumes and quite frankly all the black leather is making people nervous"  Joss Whedon nailed it.