
He posted some pictures of me to his porny Tumblr, which I was okay
with, but some gossipy vanilla boys I go to school with recognized me
even though my face was blurred out.

Personally I would have much preferred Yellow Spandex over all that self-conscience black leather Singer had them wear in the movies.

"Cool Story, Bro" Warning ——
I was in High School when this came out, me and a bunch of guys met up with a group of girls to go see this movie.  I was fairly into it, not rivited by any means but at least enjoying it.  The girls in our group, however, were not buying it at all.  They were laughing and making stupid

No, this is the movie I am thinking about.  Dang, I wish I could find the article now because it is what led to me renting this movie and watching it.  Maybe it wasn't on this site, but I thought it was.  oh well… :-)

Read the current Hawkeye and Daredevil runs.  Stellar books.  No real extensive-obsessive knoweldge needed at all to enjoy.  You start there and eventually you will want to and be ready to branch out.

Thanks for the snark, sorry you aren't into it.

The first Marvel Comics came out in the 80s? Anyway shared universe is oart of what makes it fun. This way we can see Daredevil team up with The Hulk, or Spider-Man with the Avengers. It's fun. You don't need to know the minutia of decades worth of stories to enjoy it, but there are plenty who do anyway.

Yeah, that weirded me out too.

I thought this was an amazing episode. First off, Jennifer Carpenter deserves an Emmy for this. The stuff with Quinn was good as hell this episode and I really loved the take of Dexter telling him "you did the right thing".
Vogal is sinister as shit, she must know more than she is letting on. That scene with the

I saw Pacific Rim on Friday night and it was pretty much ok.  Seeing it in IMAX 3D definitely enhanced my enjoyment of the film a lot.  The 3D was actually very good in this.

I think there was an article on this site a few years back talking about the real-life happenings that inspired the plot for this.  A very interesting story.

I have read some of his books, including Ender's Game. I think he's in a deep walk-in closet. back corner. lights out.

Orson Scott Card is the biggest closet case in the galaxy.

Yeah I also loved Upstream Color, buy probably not as much as Primer.

Yeah, I gotta check these out.  I can imagine creators being able to do some pretty nifty things with a Horror comic in this format. 

I haven't been excited about Digital Comics until I read Batman '66 and saw the potential.  This was great! 

the funniest line comes immediatly after.  Fred Savage says in reference to Jenny Lewis —  "well, just keep your Power Gloves off her, ok pal?"

whoa i had no idea those guys were over there (first I've heard of The Dissolve…)  Thanks for the heads up!!

They should be fired for not knowing who Gary Oldman is. 

Even if you didn't know the twist going in, this trailer makes it incredibly obvious.  Anyway, I'm sure less Octopi were harmed during the filming of this movie.