
Im gonna wait for the GOTY edition with all DLC for $20 during a Steam sale. No point in adding to the backlog

Yeah sounds like you are part of that small group that this deal doesnt really help... I have W3 on PC but I opted for the PS4 version of AK cause of all the PC issues on that title

Yeah sounds like you are part of that small group that this deal doesnt really help... I have W3 on PC but I opted

TLou is like $20 now.... this is a much better deal, both AK and Witcher3 are new AAA games that should fetch $40 ea. and the PS+ gives you another 2 free games this month one of which is a GOTY contender (Rocket League)

TLou is like $20 now.... this is a much better deal, both AK and Witcher3 are new AAA games that should fetch $40

I still think Caim fron Drakengard 1 is the most evil protagonist you get to play as. At least Kratos is killing “Gods” who might have wronged him. Caim slaughters innocent people left and right our of pure bloodlust.

Im personally against the dumbing down (consolization) of PC games.... i actually like the pages of menus, etc.... but I know I am obviously in the minority since we live in the age of iOS now.

I can’t see many people being able to replace iwata as nintendo’s head.. similar to apple after jobs left

this post in hindsight... man

Im not a comic buff but how does Batman have a snowflake in hell’s chance of fighting Superman? Even if he had Iron Man’s suit with Kryptonite plating, Superman can literally teleport and shoot lasers out of his eyes.

Seems like a missed opportunity to use the newer PCIE based SSDs like the Samsung X941 which get over 1GB/s


They need to go software only... a new 2D mario on vita would be insane or mario galaxy 3 on ps4/x1 with anti aliasing and morpheus/oculus support

sure you dont... cause its more believable that out of millions of satisfied android owners, you alone seem to have gotten 4 straight lemons. that or you like to download literally dirty apps

He works harder making those videos than some senior level employees at large corporations twiddling their thumbs on outlook making 6 figures

that is not common at all... you need to stop downloading “Hot ChiX Strip Poker” app

“Mr PhD” calling me the asshole? All im saying is that if you read the manual, it clearly states multiple maintenance procedures besides just a simple “dump in the dustbin”. Youre like the guy who never changes the oil in his car and calls the mechanic an asshole because the mechanic told him that a car requires more

“Mr PhD” calling me the asshole? All im saying is that if you read the manual, it clearly states multiple

sounds like a perfect camera for clueless dads who want decent pics of their sons soccer game.. which is like a large market

its not the manufacturers... they make what people buy... sadly, enthusiasts are only a small portion of the buyers of “enthusiast P&S cameras”.... most people i know who own an RX100 or S1XX are women who use Auto mode and only bought the camera because the guy at Best Buy told them it was the best small camera.. and

i dont think im different than any other roomba owner who takes care of their stuff.. you sound like someone who has owned a roomba for a month and is making assumptions about its long term ownership

i dont think im different than any other roomba owner who takes care of their stuff.. you sound like someone who has

welcome to modern society... i dont like cars (they cost a ton to maintain and pollute) but i still have one cause ill be damned to take 2 hours to get to work otherwise

as someone who owns 3 roombas for 2 years now... its never THAT easy. at least every other cleaning requires me to bring a scissor to cut out some hair from the brush or blow out the air filter cartridge.... if all you do is empty the dustbin, you are not doing proper maintenance

as someone who owns 3 roombas for 2 years now... its never THAT easy. at least every other cleaning requires me to